Emmer Green Pre-School

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About Emmer Green Pre-School

Name Emmer Green Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Emmer Green Youth & Community Centre, Grove Road, Emmer Green, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 8LN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Reading
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff have a good knowledge and understanding of children and their families.

For example, they offer home visits to find out more about children's backgrounds and their interests. The key person system is implemented effectively. Children arrive happy and eager to attend.

They show that they feel safe and emotionally secure. Children have warm bonds with staff. This supports how children settle and enjoy their time at pre-school.

Staff use the indoor and outdoor spaces effectively. They have established routines and a structure to the day, which children understand well. Staff are positive role models.
...r/>Children are happy and willing to play alongside them and show understanding of their expectations. They are well behaved at all times. For example, they line up as needed for transitions indoors and out.

Children help tidy up and show respect for their toys and resources. They are kind to one another. Children benefit from a stimulating curriculum that encompasses all areas of learning.

For example, staff support younger children in their developing listening and attention skills as they guess objects hidden in a bag. Children sing songs and rhymes and show confidence to join in with the actions. During registration sessions, children recognise the initial sounds of their names and learn to count and identify the sequence of numbers.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is an effective leader who is supportive of her staff and their workload. Staff morale is high and the staff team work well together. Staff are ambitious for all children.

This includes those speaking English as an additional language and those requiring additional support. Partnerships with parents, feeder schools and others involved in children's care are well established.Staff implement the curriculum well across all seven areas.

They focus on children's developing physical abilities, language, and social skills. A top priority is given to helping children be aware of their individuality and uniqueness, cultural beliefs and independence. Children are keen to take part in their activities.

They make friends easily. Children show readiness for the next stages of their learning.Overall, staff support children's literacy awareness well.

For example, staff develop activities to build on children's favourite stories. This includes having a tea party to familiarise children with the book 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'. Staff help children to make dough with spices to represent 'The Gingerbread Man'.

Later they read the story together at group time. Children are able to recognise the animals who appear in the story line and enjoy looking at the illustrations. Older children call out 'Run, run as fast as you can' to demonstrate that they know the repetitive verse.

However, staff are not as confident to extend these conversations even when it is clear children are keen to share ideas. For example, to extend children's language comprehension further.Staff help children to develop skills for future learning.

For instance, children practise developing dexterity as they design pictures with small wooden pieces. They carefully use small hammers and nails to achieve this. Children enjoy making dough with spices added.

They confidently identify that they can smell 'biscuits' and that the dough is 'squishy'.Staff help children to be aware of healthy lifestyles. Children understand the importance of good hygiene practices and mealtimes are sociable occasions.

Staff take time to build on learning during these times. For instance, children count their strawberries or identify that their sandwiches are cut into triangle shapes. Children take responsibility to clear up after eating.

Children have fun learning during their regular opportunities to be outdoors.Children enjoy their physical play activities that also support their relationships together and their mental well-being. For example, during a music and movement sessions, children have plenty of fun.

They listen carefully and show they can follow instructions well. For instance, children take the lead as they stretch, point toes, bounce, sit down and stand up.Children show a positive attitude to their learning.

They are motivated to join in with all they do. Children are respectful to staff and understand their expectations. For example, they follow the rules when playing a physical play game indoors.

They know, for instance, to walk and not run for safety.Parents are positive about the care their children receive. They state communication is good and that their children flourish at pre-school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to make more use of opportunities to extend conversations and build further on children's language comprehension and vocabulary.

Also at this postcode
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