Sunshine Day Nursery

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About Sunshine Day Nursery

Name Sunshine Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 6 Tarmount Lane, SHOREHAM-BY-SEA, West Sussex, BN43 6DA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and settled with nurturing practitioners who know them well.

Babies build strong relationships with their key person. They cuddle together looking at books and pictures. Practitioners quickly respond to babies' cues, for example when they need a sleep or nappy change.

Older children confidently come into the nursery and wave goodbye to their parents. They know where to self-register and independently place their belongings away. Leaders have an ambitious curriculum in place.

It aims to provide children with a rich set of experiences to enhance their future learning. Children enjoy playing at... the 'finger gym' table. Practitioners support them with activities such as threading.

This helps children to develop the muscles in their hands for learning to write. Children become absorbed in these activities and maintain focus for long periods. They develop positive attitudes to learning.

Children are physically active in their play. They move around the well-organised environments, ready to explore and learn. Young children laugh and giggle as they practise jumping with practitioners.

Play equipment and environments are carefully thought out. Practitioners create areas that encourage babies to practise skills such as pulling themselves up and walking. Children develop good physical skills.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Practitioners know how to support babies' early language development. They sit with them and introduce simple words, such as 'book' and 'ball'. Babies enjoy these close experiences and begin to attempt to say the words back.

Practitioners are expressive and enthusiastic. They offer babies praise and cuddles for practising new words. Communication and language are supported well.

Leaders ensure that all children have access to a broad and meaningful curriculum. The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) supports leaders in this role. She works with parents and professionals to put focused plans in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

This ensures that all children receive the support they need to achieve the best outcomes.Overall, children behave well. They learn about the importance of sharing and taking turns.

Children begin to use tools, such as sand timers, to help them understand about waiting for their turn with a favourite toy. However, practitioners do not consistently deliver clear instructions or remind children of rules. As a result, children do not always understand what is expected of them.

Children develop an understanding of how to take care of their own needs and understand they must wash their hands before eating. Practitioners remind children about 'bubble gloves' to support their understanding of using soap. However, practitioners do not always extend children's knowledge of good health.

For example, practitioners do not talk about food and nutrition at mealtimes. Furthermore, they cannot answer questions children ask about what is in their food. This means that children do not always gain the information they need to promote healthy lifestyle choices.

Practitioners implement the literacy curriculum effectively. Children experience a wide range of books. They excitedly listen when practitioners enthusiastically read stories to them.

Practitioners plan trips to the local library and provide books to take home when preparing for school. Children develop a love of reading.Parents and practitioners work together to support children's learning.

Practitioners provide feedback about children's progress. Parents speak highly of the enriching experiences their children enjoy, such as yoga and French lessons. Parent partnerships are strong.

Children gain knowledge from purposefully planned activities. Practitioners talk to children about the concept of floating and sinking. As children drop the items into water, practitioners talk about the properties that might help each item to float.

Children make predictions and thoroughly enjoy the experiment. They are highly engaged and interested in their learning.Leaders have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.

They provide practitioners with a wealth of professional development opportunities. Practitioners also confirm that leaders support their well-being effectively. Leaders are committed towards ensuring high standards and utilise all opportunities to support practitioners to deliver a high-quality provision.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove the planning of activities and the delivery of the curriculum to help children learn how to develop a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of nutrition provide children with clear and consistent instructions that support their understanding of behavioural expectations.

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