Henry Cavendish Primary School

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About Henry Cavendish Primary School

Name Henry Cavendish Primary School
Website http://www.henrycavendish.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Matthew Apsley
Address Hydethorpe Road, London, SW12 0JA
Phone Number 02086733376
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 790
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. School leaders and governors have high expectations for all staff and pupils. There have been significant improvements since the previous inspection and all pupils reach high standards in their work and their behaviour.

Pupils work hard and achieve exceptionally well in reading, writing and mathematics across the school. Their attainment at the end of Year 6 has been significantly above average for several years. Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs make outstanding progress because highly trained teaching assistants provide excellent support for them.

Teaching is consistently of high quality and enables p...upils to make rapid progress. Teachers' marking of pupils' work is of very high quality and contributes significantly to pupils' high achievement. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary at all times.

They are friendly, courteous and caring. They get on very well with all staff and show respect and understanding towards each other and adults. They feel very safe in school.

Leadership at all levels is outstanding. School leaders and governors are exceptionally well prepared for their roles and responsibilities. They make an excellent contribution to ensuring that teaching and learning are of the highest possible standard.

The curriculum is exciting and stimulating. It is thoughtfully planned to provide plenty of opportunities for pupils to use their literacy and numeracy skills when learning in other subjects. The quality of art and music is of a very high standard and makes a significant contribution to pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

The delightful singing in assemblies creates a real sense of enjoyment and harmony. Governors have a thorough understanding of how well the school is doing and offer the right level of challenge and help to ensure the school continues to improve. Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school and highly value the quality of education it provides.

One parent wrote, 'It is such a happy place and has made our son very happy.'

Information about this school

The school is much larger than the average-sized primary school and is situated on two separate sites. It is increasing in size year on year so that, by September 2016, it will provide four forms of entry for pupils in each year group.

About one fifth of the pupils are known to be eligible for pupil premium funding. The pupil premium is additional funding provided by the government to support those pupils who, in this school, are known to be eligible for free school meals or who are in the care of the local authority. About 40% of pupils are from White British heritage and the proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is higher than average.

About a third of pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs supported through school action is below average. The proportion supported by school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is broadly average.

The school meets the government's floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The headteacher is a Local Leader of Education (LLE) and provides support to some newly appointed headteachers in the local authority. There is provision for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage in the Nursery and Reception classes.

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