Ivydale Primary School

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About Ivydale Primary School

Name Ivydale Primary School
Website http://www.ivydaleschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Judith Lambert
Address Ivydale Road, Nunhead, London, SE15 3BU
Phone Number 02076392702
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 496
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders and governors have tackled areas for improvement effectively so that good teaching leads to good outcomes for pupils, particularly in English and mathematics.

Senior leaders have improved their procedures for checking the quality of teaching. They use these checks well to provide effective training and support for teachers and know precisely where variation remains. Effective teaching across the curriculum means pupils make good progress.

However, teachers do not always challenge pupils to deepen their understanding further, particularly where subject leadership is less well established. Leaders make very effective use of addition...al funding for disadvantaged pupils. These pupils make the same good progress from their varied starting points as their peers.

The strong teaching of early reading skills means all pupils achieve the expected standard in phonics by the end of key stage 1. The curriculum is well constructed and implemented. It supports pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development especially well.

Pupils' behaviour is outstanding because of the excellent provision for their personal development. Attendance is above average and improving. The early years gets children off to a good start and ensures that they are well prepared for Year 1.

There is particularly marked progress in children's personal development during their first year at school. Governors know the school well. They have the necessary skills and processes to challenge leaders, and they tackle priorities for improvement.

Information about this school

Ivydale Primary School is a much larger than average primary school. In 2017, it expanded to a second site for pupils in Year 4 to Year 6 at Inverton Road, a short distance from the original site. This was to accommodate a predicted move to four classes per year.

However, subsequently, the school's admission arrangements have been revised back to three classes per year. The pupils in the Nursery class attend on a part-time basis. There are breakfast and after-school club facilities on offer.

A small number of pupils attend alternative provision in other schools in the local authority. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above the national average.

The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is in line with the national average. Pupils come from a wide range of backgrounds. The largest group is white British.

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