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About Leventhorpe

Name Leventhorpe
Website http://www.leventhorpe.net/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Malcolm White
Address Cambridge Road, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 9BY
Phone Number 01279836633
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1478
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils attending Leventhorpe are happy. They are part of a welcoming and thriving community. Strong relationships between staff and pupils support this.

Pupils have confidence that if a concern is raised or a pupil is having a difficult time, school staff will address this quickly and effectively. Pupils are quick to say that any unkindness or bullying is rare.

Lessons are calm.

Pupils can learn in classrooms which are free of any disruption or distraction. They engage well in their learning and almost always produce work that demonstrates pride and thought. As a result, pupils typically achieve well.

Sixth-form students are a credit to the school. T...hey describe articulately how much they enjoy attending Leventhorpe. They are overwhelmingly positive about their experience.

Students enjoy the range of academic and leadership opportunities available to them that support their development. Their pride in being part of the school community is clear. The school's support to improve students' academic achievement is now comprehensive.

Pupils can take part in a range of extra-curricular activities. They are actively encouraged to participate in sporting opportunities, including representing the school. Large numbers of pupils take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school recognises the need to have a broad and balanced curriculum. For example, in Year 7, pupils can study two modern foreign languages. Curriculum development at all key stages is carefully considered to ensure that key knowledge is prioritised.

Teaching by subject specialists enables pupils to make the most of their teachers' strong subject knowledge. As a result, most pupils' understanding of their topics is clear. A range of strategies are used to assess pupils' progress.

However, in some subjects, pupils' understanding is not always checked effectively or with sufficient precision. This means that any misconceptions they have, or mistakes they make, are not always picked up quickly and addressed. Consequently, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well. When pupils join the school there is a robust transition process from primary school. Staff are aware of the needs of the pupils with SEND they teach through regular updates from the special educational needs coordinator.

The SEND base is an environment that enables pupils to access additional support through effective interventions.

The support for those pupils at an early stage of reading is a strength of the school. Pupils who struggle with reading are identified quickly.

Their progress is tracked carefully. They become fluent and confident readers. All pupils are encouraged to read widely.

Initiatives such as the 'Leventhorpe Book Award' support this whole-school priority. The Learning Resource Centre (library) is a focal point for these opportunities.

Pupils typically behave well and attend school regularly.

They maintain positive relationships and treat others with respect. The school recognises that during unstructured times the behaviour of pupils does not always meet the expectations modelled by school staff. As a result, the school is implementing a new approach to addressing such behaviours.

Sixth-form students model the highest standards of respect and maturity. They describe an inclusive and positive environment in which they thrive.

The school prioritises opportunities for pupils outside the curriculum.

Pupils' participation in activities is closely monitored to enable the school to extend and change its offer in response to pupil demand. All pupils are welcome to participate. Sixth-form students describe curriculum visits to places such as Bletchley Park and The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Florida.

Students are keen to describe the leadership opportunities available to them. These support not only initiatives in the sixth form, but in the wider school community. Student activity to raise money for local and national charities is substantial.

The programme for personal, social, health and economic education is comprehensive. It supports pupils in understanding how to stay safe and keep healthy, both physically and emotionally. This is promoted through lessons, assemblies, and form time.

The school's careers programme is effectively delivered. Sixth-form students are very positive about the level of support and information they receive. This enables them to make confident decisions about their next steps in education or employment.

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, accurately evaluate the current strengths and weaknesses of the school. The challenges around pupils' behaviour posed by the pandemic are diminishing because of the determination of the school community to improve. Leaders acknowledge where improvements are needed and act with integrity to address them.

Most staff value the curriculum's professional development opportunities available to them through 'Thinking Thursdays'. Staff are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, staff do not address misconceptions or amend pupils' mistakes precisely. This means that misunderstandings are not identified and rectified, and some pupils do not retain the necessary knowledge to be proficient in their subject. The school should ensure that all pupils' understanding is checked effectively and robustly.

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