Newby and Scalby Primary School

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About Newby and Scalby Primary School

Name Newby and Scalby Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Irving
Address The Green, Newby, Scarborough, YO12 5JA
Phone Number 01723365686
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 418
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Newby and Scalby Primary School are polite and friendly.

Strong and respectful relationships foster good behaviour. Pupils behave well during lessons and at social times. They move sensibly around school.

Pupils learn about the different types of relationships, including unhealthy relationships and bullying, through their personal, social and health education. Pupils know who to talk to about any concerns that they may have. They are confident that adults will resolve any concerns quickly and effectively.

As a result, bullying is rare. Pupils feel safe.

Pupils enjoy coming to school.

They access a broad and balanced curriculum.Howe...ver, there are weaknesses in how well some subjects are planned and delivered, such as early reading. This prevents some pupils from achieving as well as they could.

Pupils engage in a range of experiences beyond the classroom, such as residential trips. They appreciate the range of clubs for all age groups to take part in, for example boccia, football, colouring club, and reading and writing club.

Pupils play an active role in school life.

There are various committees where pupils can take on extra responsibilities. These include eco warriors, charity committees and the school council.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Although leaders are clear about the knowledge that pupils should learn in some subjects, such as history and computing, this is not consistent across all subjects.

In some subjects, such as geography and mathematics, leaders have not identified the exact knowledge and skills that they want pupils to remember long term. As a result, teachers do not plan opportunities for pupils to revisit and rehearse important knowledge. Some pupils do not remember what they have learned.

In mathematics, they struggle to apply their knowledge to reasoning problems.

Leaders are developing their assessment systems in subjects other than English and mathematics. While teachers assess what pupils learn lesson by lesson, they are unsure about the cumulative knowledge that has been retained over time.

As a result, teachers do not identify and address misconceptions or gaps in learning that some pupils may have. This prevents pupils from achieving as well as they should.

Leaders prioritise reading throughout school.

Pupils have access to a range of books that they can take home. However, leaders do not carefully consider the type of books that they read to pupils. This limits pupils' exposure to a rich variety of text.

The approach to teach pupils how to read is not as effective as it could be. Teachers use a variety of activities and resources to deliver phonics. This leads to a lack of consistency across classes.

Pupils who struggle to read do not receive the appropriate help that will enable them to keep up with their peers. Their progress is further hindered because they read books that do not match the sounds that they are learning. As a result, they do not read with fluency or accuracy.

In the early years, leaders have devised an ambitious curriculum. They have thought carefully about the vital knowledge children need to know. This helps them to build strong foundations for their educational journey.

Leaders' assessment of individual children's abilities enables them to design effective provision. Children sustain high levels of interest in engaging activities. As a result, they are happy and confident learners who flourish.

Leaders' accurate identification of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) enables them to plan the right support. They swiftly source any extra provision needed from external agencies when required.

The wider curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to develop their knowledge of how to be healthy and responsible citizens.

Pupils understand and are empathic to many cultures and beliefs. They have in-depth knowledge of fundamental British values. Pupils talk with interest, insight and real experience of aspects of law, democracy and mutual respect.

This results in an ability to think about the likely consequences of their own and others' actions.

Governors and leaders are mindful of the workload and well-being of staff. Leaders support staff professional development.

Staff feel that this is highly valued by leaders and that any training is linked to the latest research. Staff are proud to work at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Although safeguarding is effective, there are some weaknesses in safeguarding arrangements. Leaders have implemented a system for staff to record any concerns that they have about a pupil. However, this is used alongside other systems.

This leads to some confusion for staff around where to record and report concerns. In addition, leaders do not regularly check what has been recorded to identify patterns or trends. However, these are easy to put right and have not left pupils either being harmed or at risk of harm.

Governors and staff receive regular safeguarding training. They are aware of the local safeguarding risks.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe, including when they are online.

They are aware of the local risks in the area, such as water safety. They are taught the appropriate strategies to reduce this risk.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There is no consistent approach to the teaching of phonics.

Support for pupils who struggle to read is has limited effect. The books that they read do not match the sounds that they are learning. As a result, they cannot read with fluency or accuracy.

Leaders should develop and embed a reading curriculum that can be consistently applied by all staff. Pupils who struggle to read need additional support and books that match the phonics that they are learning. This will ensure all pupils can develop fluency and confidence in reading and are able to fully access the curriculum.

• In some subjects, such as geography and mathematics, leaders do not identify the essential knowledge that they want pupils to know and apply to their learning. Pupils are not given sufficient time to rehearse and practise what they have learned. This hinders their progress.

Leaders should ensure that they set out the precise knowledge that they want pupils to remember. ? While teachers check what pupils learn in lessons, the assessment methods for tracking what pupils know over time are underdeveloped. Leaders and teachers do not identify pupils' misconceptions quickly enough.

Leaders need to identify what they want pupils to remember in these subjects so that they can monitor the gaps in their learning. ? While there are no concerns about the safety of pupils, leaders do not ensure that staff use their systems to record and report incidents in a consistent way. Leaders do not routinely check that incidents recorded are dealt with effectively.

They do not regularly analyse these incidents to identify emerging patterns or trends. Leaders must make sure that all staff are trained on how to use their systems effectively. Leaders must regularly check and monitor incidents to reassure themselves that incidents are dealt with appropriately, and spot pupils who may need support.

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