Welford and Wickham C.E. Primary School

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About Welford and Wickham C.E. Primary School

Name Welford and Wickham C.E. Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Joanna Lagares
Address Welford Road, Newbury, RG20 8HL
Phone Number 01488608306
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 72
Local Authority West Berkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The executive headteacher provides strong leadership. She has ensured that improvements in teaching, learning and assessment have led to improving pupils' progress over the past three years.

Strong teaching ensures that pupils enjoy learning and deepen their knowledge, skills and understanding, particularly in reading and mathematics. Consequently, pupils make strong progress. Safeguarding is effective.

Pupils feel safe. Staff are well trained in this area. Pupils behave well.

Their attitudes to learning are very positive. Pupils are well mannered and behave respectfully towards each other and staff. Pupils with special education...al needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make good progress.

This is due to strong teaching and the able support provided by teaching assistants. Pupils in key stage 2 do not make as much progress in writing compared to reading and mathematics because leaders' improvement strategies are not yet fully embedded. Strong teaching in the early years, together with effective support by teaching assistants, prepares children well for key stage 1.

Pupils are well cared for by committed staff. The school's nurturing atmosphere ensures that pupils develop well academically and socially. Governors are passionate and committed.

They play an integral part in school life. They know the school's strengths and weaknesses well, and are astute in challenging the school's leaders. The curriculum is broad and balanced.

Pupils do not make as much progress in some other subjects as they do in English and mathematics.

Information about this school

Welford and Wickham Church of England School is smaller than the average-sized primary school. Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are taught in one mixed-age class.

Year 3 and 4 pupils are also taught in a mixed-age class, as are pupils in Years 5 and 6. The executive headteacher joined the school in September 2015. The large majority of pupils are of White British background.

The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged is below the national average for primary schools. The proportion of pupils with SEND is below the national average for primary schools. A Section 48 inspection was carried out in March 2014.

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