Allkidscan At St Marys Catholic Primary School

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About Allkidscan At St Marys Catholic Primary School

Name Allkidscan At St Marys Catholic Primary School
Address St. Marys Rc School, Glenure Road, London, Kent, SE9 1UF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children settle quickly when they arrive and are happy to see staff. They enjoy a busy and purposeful time at the club. Staff offer children a safe and secure space to unwind after their day at school.

Children of different ages enjoy playing games together within their group 'bubbles'. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well and are fully included in all activities. Staff have made adaptations to resources and procedures to keep children safe during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and explain these to children.

Children are happy and have fun playing cooperatively with friends. Staff consider children's interests and ideas when planning activities and to provide a good consistency of care and learning. Children choose from a good range of activities on offer, indoors and outdoors.

This helps to promote children's physical development while they run and exercise in the fresh air. Children work together and take turns. For example, they support each other while they practise skills on the trim trail or try using a hula hoop for the first time.

Staff supervise children well and provide appropriate support when needed. They are positive role models and have high expectations for children's behaviour. Overall, children behave well.

They have high levels of self-esteem, are self-assured and have respect for others. Children listen well to instructions, and are patient and considerate to others.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff interact well with children.

They quickly get to know children and find out what interests they have. This helps staff to decide which activities and resources to set out in each of the rooms used by the club. Children can also choose different toys that are stored in the cupboard.

They invite staff members to join in their play and enjoy their contributions to the game. For example, older children build models and are keen to test their models for suspension. Staff encourage children to experiment using cups of water and different surfaces and distances.

Staff are positive role models for children. They understand how to support children's emotional well-being by nurturing them, so that they grow in confidence. Staff put clear routines in place.

Children understand the simple club rules and adhere to these each day. They play together well, showing care and respect for each other.Staff engage children in meaningful conversations.

They listen to children's views and opinions. Children are confident communicators and form strong friendships. They enjoy one another's company, such as when they take part in games and sports activities.

For example, older children enjoy playing basketball together, counting the hoops they score, while younger children eagerly use construction toys with staff. This helps children to build on their social, physical and creative skills.Children are confident communicators.

They demonstrate that they feel safe and secure in the setting. Children are confident to interact with unfamiliar people. They talk to and interact with the inspector and tell her about their friends and family with great enthusiasm.

Children's health needs are met well. Staff provide children with a nutritious range of snacks. They manage snack times well to ensure that good hygienic practices are followed, in order to minimise the spread of infection.

Some activities take place outside to enable children to benefit from fresh air and exercise after their day at school. Children learn new skills. For example, staff support children to learn to skip when playing with hoops.

Staff gather information from parents and class teachers to find out what children enjoy, and the activities they have been doing at school. This sharing of information particularly supports children with SEND and contributes to making sure that children feel happy, supported and healthy. Parents are pleased with the club.

However, parents are not offered a discussion with staff at the end of the day to help them find out what their children have been doing.Staff work well together. They comment on how they feel supported by leaders and managers.

Staff have regular supervision meetings, which enable them to consider their professional development and personal well-being. Leaders support staff to attend relevant training in areas that interest them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good knowledge of the signs, symptoms and indicators that would raise concerns about a child in their care. They know the procedures to follow if they have any concerns. All staff attend mandatory safeguarding training and keep up to date with changes in legislation and policy.

Staff carry out daily risk assessments to make sure that all areas of the club are safe and secure. Staff are well deployed, indoors and outside, to provide good levels of supervision and support for all children. Leaders and managers have robust recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.

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