Barracudas (Twickenham)

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About Barracudas (Twickenham)

Name Barracudas (Twickenham)
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. Catherines School, Cross Deep, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 4QJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority RichmonduponThames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is outstandingnThe experienced and dedicated leadership team strives to provide top quality experiences for all children.

The club manager leads the enthusiastic and skilled staff, who have an excellent understanding of their roles and responsibilities, effectively.nLeaders use highly effective systems to monitor the quality of the provision and ensure that it operates to a consistently outstanding level. This includes leaders actively seeking the views of parents, children and staff to help them make meaningful changes which further enhance the excellent opportunities for children.

nChildren confidently make choices about which of the exciting activities t...hey wish to participate in. They are consistently enthusiastic about joining in and show extremely high levels of concentration and enjoyment.nThe highly qualified staff provide a superb range of activities.

These keep children highly engaged and interested as they acquire new skills and knowledge. Staff also ensure that children have excellent opportunities to explore their own ideas and interests, for example during free-play sessions which allow children to make choices and lead their own learning.nChildren are highly imaginative and thoroughly enjoy the opportunities to develop and express their creativity.

For instance, children compose songs and choreograph their own dances during a cheerleading session.nStaff prioritise children's emotional security and well-being. For example, children can make 'friendship requests' so that they are placed in groups with children that they know.

This helps children to settle quickly and thoroughly enjoy their time at the club.nChildren relish the diverse opportunities to be physically active. They participate enthusiastically in activities such as swimming, dance, drama and team sports.

Also at this postcode
St Catherine’s School, Twickenham Stagecoach Performing Arts Twick

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