Barracudas Horsham Christs Hospital

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About Barracudas Horsham Christs Hospital

Name Barracudas Horsham Christs Hospital
Address Christs Hospital, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0LJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff, and 'Billy the Barracuda' mascot, greet children and parents warmly on arrival. This helps children to feel valued and creates a very positive start to their day.

Children confidently go to their base rooms. They know where to place their personal belongings and quickly settle at their chosen activity. They concentrate on tasks such as building a complex train track.

Children use their imaginations well when serving ice creams in their ice-cream parlour. They confidently share which flavour ice cream they like the best. Children clearly enjoy their time at the camp and make new friends.

In celebration of Ha...lloween, children enjoy creating spiders by painting then printing the shape of their hands. Staff fully support children by offering explanations and demonstrate how to draw a spider's web. These discussions lead to children sharing their thoughts on how many googly eyes and furry legs spiders have.

This results in lots of giggles and laughter. Children clearly demonstrate they feel safe and settled at the camp. Staff place an excellent focus on supporting children's good behaviour.

They remind children of the camp's rules of being kind, taking turns and showing consideration to others. Children receive lots of praise and encouragement from staff, which results in children having high levels of confidence and self-esteem.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team highly value the staff and the work they do with the children.

Staff are highly qualified and experienced and this is reflected in the positive relationships they develop with the children. Staff complete a wealth of training opportunities that relate to the age group of the children they care for. For example, they complete training in delivering yoga sessions and the safe use of electric go-karts.

Staff state they feel very well supported in their role.Management has clear ideas on priorities for improvement for the camp. Staff are currently looking at ways they can further explore how traditions are celebrated around the world.

For example, children are interested in learning about Halloween and how traditions have changed over time. In addition, staff want to help children look at the history of different types of sports and their origins.The club offers an inclusive service to all children.

Parents complete 'All About Me' forms, so staff can really get to know children before they attend. This might include supporting a quiet shy child or those that need help and support in their personal care. A visual timetable is displayed with pictures, so children can easily see and choose what they would like to do.

Staff plan a range of activities that they know children will enjoy. Children enjoy lots of stories being read. Staff share the meaning of words such as 'commotion in the ocean' and the names of sea creatures.

They ask children what it might be like to shake hands with a lobster, and children respond by sharing their thoughts with great enthusiasm and laughter.Staff help children to develop healthy lifestyles. They talk to children about nutritious foods that help maintain energy levels.

Children cut out and place pictures of their favourite food on paper plates and proudly display them. Snack and mealtimes are sociable occasions with children chatting about how they enjoyed the yoga and football activities.Children develop their physical skills in the spacious gym.

They enjoy relaxation during a yoga and meditation session. Children practise stretching and balancing and enjoy adopting a slow and fast pace when dancing. In addition, children enjoy playing football.

They share that they like dribbling, kicking, and shooting the ball at the goal.Parents' and children's views are totally respected and valued. For example, when they shared their concerns regarding the impact of petrol karts on the environment, the camp quickly responded by changing over to electric go-karts.

Parents state they are happy with the care their children receive, along with the many activities they experience. They comment that staff are friendly and very welcoming. Parents welcome the opportunity to be able to access the parent app.

This enables them to seek further information regarding their children and the operation of the management.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Management ensure that robust vetting and recruitment procedures are in place.

They regularly monitor staff's ongoing suitability during regular supervision. Staff complete mandatory training prior to the start of the camp opening. Staff complete regular child protection training and know the signs and symptoms that may be a cause for concern.

Staff know to share their concerns with management, so a referral can be made if appropriate and to report accidents and incidents to parents. They carry out risk assessments on all activities and talk to children about risk as they play. This helps children learn to keep themselves and others safe.

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