Bowerham Kids Club

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About Bowerham Kids Club

Name Bowerham Kids Club
Address Bowerham School, Bowerham Road, LANCASTER, LA1 4BS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The atmosphere at the club is joyous. Children begin and end their school day and spend their school holidays feeling safe and full of glee. They cheerfully choose activities to take part in that reflect their interests and talents.

Children have plenty of open space to run around, burn off energy and develop their physical skills. They enjoy activities that broaden their scope of experience, such as den-building in the woods and pasta-making using pasta machines to roll out their dough.The youngest children thrive here.

They benefit from the use of specific areas and staff who are dedicated to their care and enjoyment. Al...l children, from the very youngest, demonstrate confidence and self-awareness. They happily chat to visitors about outings they have been on as they make and eat their own snacks, surrounded by their friends.

Older children dress up and act out favourite films and books to the delight of their younger friends. Older children encourage younger ones to join in with their play. The buddy system helps older children to enjoy a sense of responsibility while helping younger children to feel included and valued.

Children behave exceptionally well and are always keen to help staff with small jobs, such as packing away resources.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders continually strive to make improvements to the provision so that they meet and exceed the needs of children and families. Staff say that they feel well supported and valued as part of the team.

Their professional development is well considered by leaders. Training is regular and builds on their knowledge and skills. This is reflected in their clear enjoyment of their roles and engagement with children.

Leaders are passionate about providing opportunities for disadvantaged children and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They work tirelessly with a range of agencies to secure funding and support to enable these children to access their provision. As a result, all children benefit from the exciting range of experiences that the club offers and provides.

Staff have high expectations of what all children can achieve. They involve children in activity planning and are always on hand to join and extend children's play. Children and staff treat each other, the environment and resources with respect.

Staff work hard to help all children learn to understand and manage their emotions. Consequently, children's behaviour and attitudes towards their play are overwhelmingly positive.Staff help children to find out about and celebrate how they are each unique and special.

For instance, they find out what it is like to move to and settle in a new country from their friends' families. Children enjoy a sense of inclusivity and freedom of expression at the club. This helps them to become kind and tolerant young people and prepare for life in modern Britain.

Staff help children to develop their independence skills. Children prepare and eat healthy snacks and share learning with their families about cooking and family budgeting. Staff encourage even the youngest children to be responsible for their own belongings.

This helps children to develop healthy and responsible lifestyle habits.Partnerships with parents are strong. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the support they receive from staff and leaders.

They praise the considerate and flexible attitudes of leaders and the lasting bonds that children make with staff. Leaders offer a range of methods of communication to suit the needs of families. Parents access a good range of information about the experiences their children have at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have a sound understanding of safeguarding policies and procedures. They complete mandatory and additional training, such as on adverse childhood experience.

This helps to keep staff's knowledge up to date. Staff know who to contact if they have a concern about the behaviour of a colleague. Leaders and staff help children learn to keep themselves safe.

For example, children learn about their bodies and how to keep themselves safe online. Children's safety is very well considered at all times. For instance, staff follow a routine to ensure that entry points to the school site remain locked during club opening times.

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