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About Brightstars

Name Brightstars
Address School Bungalow, Whinmoor Crescent, Leeds, LS14 1EG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children eagerly enter the club at the end of their busy school day. The manager is passionate about providing the best possible opportunities for children during their time at the club.

Children enthusiastically join in with a rich variety of interesting experiences and activities that have been planned for them. For example, they enjoy painting pictures, playing board games and engaging in imaginary play together.Staff create positive relationships and a pleasant environment, where children are happy and settled.

They value children's opinions and interact with them throughout the session. For example, children are excit...ed to tell staff and their friends about their recent holiday to Australia. They eagerly recall and share their experience of seeing snakes and spiders.

Staff join in and ask questions to extend conversations with children. Children are very polite and behave well. For example, children use their manners unprompted during snack time.

Staff act as positive role models and understand how to support children's good behaviour. They share rules and boundaries with children, which are fair and consistent. Children receive encouragement and praise for their achievements.

This supports their self-esteem and confidence well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide children with ample opportunities to develop their understanding of healthy lifestyles. Children are provided with a healthy range of snacks and water, such as fruit and vegetables.

Staff ensure that children have regular opportunities to be physically active each day. The manager has plans to develop the outdoor area to enhance children's play and exploration further.The manager and staff form strong and positive relationships with children and their families.

Parents speak highly of the club and the range of activities organised for the children. They praise the level of communication and support they receive from the manager. For instance, parent receive a detailed handover each day and regular emails with notifications and general reminders.

Children say they enjoy coming to the club, playing with their friends and doing craft activities.Partnership working with the on-site host school is good. Teachers share relevant information with staff about children daily.

For example, teachers comment on older children's well-being. This helps staff to offer support and meet the individual needs of children at the club. Staff pass on messages between teachers and parents.

This helps provide a positive and consistent link between the school, parents and the club.The manager has high expectations of her small staff team and supports them well. She carries out regular supervision sessions to support their emotional well-being and identify any training needs.

The manager follows safer recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children. Staff comment that they feel happy and well supported in their role.Children are supported to develop their independence skills well at the club.

This is evident as children wash their hands without being asked and manage their own self-care routines well. In addition, children are encouraged to make their wraps and peel their fruit at snack time. Staff create an environment where children can independently access a range of resources and activities.

This supports them to become able and confident in their own ability.The manager provides support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. She works together with parents and teachers to ensure that children have the appropriate support in place.

Parents say that their children's specific needs are met well by the supportive and understanding staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Whinmoor St Paul’s Church of England Primary School

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