Brightstars @ Bowlee

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About Brightstars @ Bowlee

Name Brightstars @ Bowlee
Address Bowlee Park Community School, Windermere Road, Manchester, M24 4LA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Rochdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The club is well led and managed. Managers help staff to understand their role to provide a safe and fun environment for children. Staff support children with a simple daily routine to follow.

Children arrive at the club, sit down for a story and the register before washing their hands and enjoying their snack. Consequently, children feel safe and secure. Leaders and staff get to know each child well.

This helps them to understand how to best support each child's unique needs. All children including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) settle in well and enjoy their time at the club. Staff ensure... that children know and understand the rules.

These are in line with the host schools' expectations which helps provide consistency for children. Children keenly tell the inspector that they only use kind words in the club. The positive attitudes of all staff and children mean that children of varying ages play together happily.

Staff plan the environment and activities to support children's interests. Children enjoy choosing from a range of opportunities that support their development and well-being. For example, young children enjoy blowing bubbles to action songs and older children engage in a sunflower painting competition.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager supports staff to attend appropriate training to ensure they have the skills and knowledge they require to fulfil their job roles. Furthermore, staff benefit from regular support through individual supervisions and team meetings. This helps to ensure the good quality of care at the club.

Staff get to know children well. When starting at the club staff gather information from parents and carers about children's development and personal needs. This information is used to help settle children in and ensure that staff know how to meet children's individual care needs.

All children, including those with SEND are fully included in the club.Staff are deployed effectively to supervise children well. They spend their time interacting with children, as such, staff notice when children need support.

For example, staff provide children with reassurance and talk to them about any rare occasions of unwanted behaviour.Children demonstrate kind and friendly behaviour towards one another and the staff. Staff are positive role models for children.

They demonstrate respect and kindness. Older children play cooperatively with younger children. Children have positive attitudes to their play.

Staff promote children's interests and talents and facilitate opportunities for them to develop. For example, staff provide children with a speaker and the music for them to sing a solo to the group. Staff and children enthusiastically applaud the child.

This supports children's self-esteem and confidence.Staff promote healthy lifestyles. They offer nutritious food and drinks such as sandwiches and cucumber sticks and water or milk for snacks.

Staff promote outdoor play to encourage children to take regular exercise. Children have great fun in the outdoor areas playing ball games. This helps to support children's good physical health.

The manager and senior staff work in partnership with the host school. They meet regularly to share information about the children who attend. Additionally, staff plan activities that support the learning plans of the school.

This helps children to link and consolidate their learning.Staff use both daily verbal communication and electronic messaging systems to communicate with parents about the activities on offer and children's well-being and development. Parents appreciate this feedback and report that they feel their children are happy and well cared for.

However, even more can be done to gain parents views of how the provision could be improved.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Bowlee Park Community Primary School Clover Leaf Childcare Limited

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