Camp Beaumont - St John’s Beaumont

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About Camp Beaumont - St John’s Beaumont

Name Camp Beaumont - St John’s Beaumont
Address St Johns Beaumont School, Priest Hill, Old Windsor, SL4 2JN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children feel included and enjoy a friendly and welcoming environment. They enjoy a variety of activities which are of interest. For example, they enjoy playing football and creating pictures to take home.

They enjoy daily outdoor activities where they can get fresh air. This positively helps to support their physical and mental well-being. Children engage in ball games and enjoy rolling hula hoops to see which hoop goes the fastest.

Children successfully negotiate the space around them and show an awareness of the safety of others. Children behave well and are kind and respectful. They show care and concern for others..../>
For instance, older children eagerly take responsibility for helping their younger friends take turns while playing games. Staff are good role models. They reinforce their expectations and the boundaries well.

For example, children quickly recall the club rules during group time.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers support all staff members well. A thorough induction day supports staff to understand their roles and responsibilities effectively.

Continuous professional development opportunities and supervisions help staff reflect on practice and continually improve.Children enjoy trying new things and show good levels of curiosity and enjoyment when engaging in activities. They have fun playing together, sharing ideas and building positive friendships.

The managers work highly effectively together alongside the staff team and lead the club with passion. They strive for improvements, for example, they have adapted the play experiences that are provided for children. This has helped children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club and remain focused and engaged in play.

Self-evaluation is used to help identify ways in which the service can be improved. The views of staff, children and parents are considered. For example, the club is now looking at ways to further improve early morning transition arrangements for children.

During the inspection, this time was a little noisy and children lost some focus as the transition from the main hall to other rooms took a while.Staff are attentive and enthusiastically involve themselves in children's play. Staff ensure children settle and interact with other children well.

This supports their personal, social and emotional development. Children enjoy story times and interact with enthusiastic staff well. They recall what they have read and enjoy guessing what happens next.

Children confidently help themselves to drinks and sit together to eat. They enjoy this social time and discuss the activities they enjoy. Children are encouraged by staff to talk about events at home.

This provides children with opportunities to discuss their families and their similarities and differences.Children have many opportunities to be independent during the day, helping their future skills. For example, they make choices in their play and learn to twist lids and open packets, with caring staff nearby giving praise and encouragement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff are confident in how they would identify potential signs of abuse. All staff understand the policies and procedures and what to do if they are concerned for the safety of a child.

Staff are deployed well to ensure children are supervised effectively and have procedures in place to keep children safe as they move around the club. Effective risk assessments are in place and all areas of the club are safe and secure. Thorough recruitment procedures and initial training help to ensure staff are suitable to carry out their role and responsibilities.

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