Caterpillars Pre-School

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About Caterpillars Pre-School

Name Caterpillars Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Calmore Infant School, Calmore Drive, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 2ZZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is good • Staff risk assess thoroughly to provide a safe and secure environment where children play and learn. • The enthusiastic staff team provides good-quality learning opportunities for all children. They identify any gaps in children's learning and seek professional help if required.

All children make good progress from their starting points. • Parents comment that their children quickly settle and make great progress in their speech and social skills. They appreciate the regular information staff provide about their children's next steps, and suggestions about how they can support their children's learning at home.

• Staff warmly welcome children, par...ents and professionals, enabling important information to be shared and children's individual needs be understood and met effectively. • Staff build warm, nurturing relationships with the children. They are strong, positive role models and provide consistent behavioural expectations.

Children behave well. It is not yet outstanding because: • Staff do not plan enough opportunities to broaden children's understanding of different people, their cultures, and their local community. • Although staff make plans for improvement, they do not monitor and review these sufficiently, to consistently measure the success and impact of the changes they make.

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