Cornerstones Pre-School

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About Cornerstones Pre-School

Name Cornerstones Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Pound Close Youth And Community Centre, Stanstead Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0PE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are excited to arrive and settle well at this friendly pre-school. They separate from carers with ease and rush to join their friends. Managers work hard to establish an effective key-person system that supports children's welfare and development.

Staff have a deep understanding of children's early experiences. This enables them to provide nurturing support that makes children feel confident and secure in their care.Staff encourage children to complete age-appropriate tasks independently.

Children place their bags in named boxes on arrival and serve themselves fruit and drinks at snack times. They take it in t...urns to be helpers for the day, ringing the bell for group sessions and when it is time to tidy up. Children are confident in the skills required for their next stage of learning.

Managers and staff have a strong understanding of how children learn best. They provide exciting learning opportunities based on children's interests. For example, children enjoy fortnightly football sessions and regular visits from the petting zoo.

This supports children to engage well in their learning and develop new skills.The pre-school's special educational needs coordinator is highly knowledgeable and passionate about her role in supporting children and families. She works closely with individual children and their key staff, providing targeted learning opportunities.

This supports all children who attend the nursery to make good progress from their starting points.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Relationships with parents and other professionals are strong. Parents compliment staff on the support they provide for the entire family.

They acknowledge how this supports children's well-being and development. Managers establish highly effective relationships with a wide variety of other settings and support agencies. For example, children become familiar with their new schools and teachers prior to moving.

This supports them to settle swiftly and continue making good progress in their learning.Staff know children well and routinely adapt activities to meet their individual needs. For example, children are engrossed in a mark-making activity.

Older, more able children are supported to write the first letters of their name in flour. Younger children delight at exploring the texture and develop new vocabulary discussing the different patterns and shapes they create.Managers and staff evaluate the care they provide well.

This allows them to identify areas to improve their practice and support the changing needs of children who attend. For example, the setting has recently introduced an initiative to support children to develop emotional resilience. Regular appraisals and supervision sessions enable managers to identify staff development opportunities.

However, effective strategies to raise the quality of staff teaching to a consistently high level are not yet fully implemented.Children of all ages develop a good understanding of the importance of healthy lifestyles. Staff provide healthy drinks and snacks throughout the day.

Children have access to physical play opportunities both inside and in the secure outdoor play area. Staff encourage children to gather a deeper understanding of why physical activity is important. For example, staff and children examine their heart rates before and after exercise.

They discuss how being physically active makes their bodies stronger.Staff make good use of regular group sessions to support children's understanding of appropriate behaviour. During their welcome meeting, children explain why they must use their 'indoor feet' in the hall.

Children are encouraged to adhere to the setting rules by playing an active role in establishing them. However, children are not consistently encouraged to explore appropriate behaviour and the need to take turns in popular activities.Managers develop highly effective methods of monitoring and assessing children's progress.

They carefully analyse this information to identify children's individual learning needs and provide targeted support during activities. The manager also uses this information to highlight broader areas on which to focus staff teaching. For example, children attend small group intervention sessions to support their communication and social development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance current coaching and mentoring processes, enabling staff to identify and engage in consistently meaningful interactions with children consistently provide opportunities to support children's understanding of how to use resources appropriately and manage conflict in their play.

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