Diggle Holiday Club

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About Diggle Holiday Club

Name Diggle Holiday Club
Address Diggle School, Sam Road, Diggle, Oldham, OL3 5PU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive excitedly and settle quickly into their day at this holiday club.

Children play cooperatively, sharing toys and resources well as they engage in a range of age-appropriate activities. Children develop good problem-solving skills in their games. They discuss how to organise activities together, such as the scavenger hunt.

Older children suggest working in pairs with the younger children so that they can help them. Staff know the children well and incorporate their unique interests and needs. They create a well-organised environment that children access independently.

Some of the children have shown ...an interest in making and creating. They work together to make different creations such as fairy wands and elf houses from natural resources they have collected. They confidently discuss what they have made and what they could add to improve their creation.

Children consistently demonstrate high levels of respect to their friends and staff. They listen intently when others are speaking and patiently wait their turn to respond. Moreover, children recognise each other's emotions and comfort each other when required.

For example, some children become frustrated during an activity making pictures with beads. This frustration is recognised by other children who provide support and encouragement. As a result, the children persist in their task and complete their picture.

Therefore, children are developing resilience and are building confidence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Throughout the session, there is frequent conversation and delightful laughter from children as they independently engage in a choice of games and activities. Older children enjoy board games.

They encourage younger children to join in and praise them excitedly when they succeed in winning the games. In addition, children positively initiate conversation with a visitor and eagerly talk about their favourite activities at the club. Therefore, children exhibit high levels of confidence and self-esteem.

Staff have high expectations of all children, and children's behaviour is excellent. Children listen intently to instructions and respond accordingly. They confidently discuss their roles and responsibilities.

For example, they are careful when playing with toys and return resources when an activity has finished. Consequently, children have a secure understanding of what is expected of them and the importance of keeping their play space tidy.Older children demonstrate worthy levels of independence and act as good role models for their younger friends.

During snack time, they cut their own fruit and butter their toast independently, encouraging and assisting the younger children to do the same. All children wash their own plates and cutlery when they have finished. Furthermore, all children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), manage their own personal care needs.

Therefore, all children are developing skills to become independent.Staff support children to understand healthy lifestyle habits. Children wash their hands when they have been outside and before snack.

They remind others to do the same. They have access to a large outdoor play area where they can complete obstacle courses, the daily mile and play ball games such as football. Therefore, children learn the significance of being healthy and active.

Staff support children's well-being and help children to develop their understanding of keeping themselves and others safe. For instance, older children explain the importance of online safety and how to stay safe when using computers and other electronic devices. Moreover, they discuss fire safety during carpet time.

Children know the signal for fire drills and recognise where fire exits are to get to the agreed assembly point.Parents report the 'excellent' and supportive care their children receive while attending the club. They speak of the detailed communication and how comfortable they feel leaving their children in the care of friendly and knowledgeable staff.

Children are well supported and happy at this holiday club.All children, including children with SEND, are very well supported. Leaders and staff have exceptionally strong links with the host school, parents, and outside agencies to support a consistent approach to meeting children's care and learning needs.

They ensure that all children have a positive experience while at this club and enjoy their play and learning.Leaders understand their strengths and areas for development very well. They ensure that staff engage in continuous professional development that is based around their interests.

For example, staff have completed training in physical activity and nutrition to aid children's lifelong well-being. This provides a positive impact on children's experiences.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff provide a safe and secure environment for children to play and learn and are aware of their role to help keep children safe. Staff confidently recognise signs and symptoms that may be indicators that children are at risk, including county lines and the 'Prevent' duty. They are acutely aware of the procedures to follow and the outside agencies they should report concerns to if an allegation was made against a colleague.

Leaders ensure that risk assessments are effective and are ongoing throughout the day to minimise any potential risks and help keep children safe. Furthermore, leaders have a robust recruitment procedure in place to help ensure the suitability of all staff that work with children. They monitor ongoing suitability of staff through regular supervisions and appraisals.

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