Dreamworks Afterschool Club

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About Dreamworks Afterschool Club

Name Dreamworks Afterschool Club
Address Keble Preparatory School, Wades Hill, London, N21 1BG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Enfield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive eager to start their time at the club.

They show great enjoyment and children of all ages participate and make the most of their time there. They play energetically outdoors and explore enthusiastically indoors. Children behave extremely well and demonstrate kind and friendly attitudes.

They have their say in the running of the club and staff listen to what children have to suggest with respect and care. Staff are calm and friendly and this leads to a warm and inviting environment. Children have formed lovely relationships with staff and this leads to them being secure and settled.

The manager is o...pen to suggestions on ways to improve the club and works hard to keep parents updated. For example, a newly developed website and regular newsletters give parents the opportunity to learn what the children have been doing and what is planned for the future. The manager is passionate about providing children with a space to learn, play and build friendships in an interesting and stimulating atmosphere.

Parents speak highly of the club and comment that their children are always keen to attend and enjoy their time there.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are positive role models for children. They have clear expectations for children's behaviour.

Children listen respectfully to staff and behave well. Staff explain to children why they have rules in place. The older children support younger children to follow the club's simple rules, to help keep them safe.

The manager makes full use of the support available to her and works closely with other professionals. For example, she currently works alongside a member of staff from the local authority when carrying out supervision with staff, to make this activity as beneficial as possible.Children are motivated and eager to join in with activities.

For instance, younger children show great enjoyment in preparing popcorn for their friends during 'Film Club Fridays'.Children are extremely well mannered and respectful. For example, when having their snack, they say 'please' and 'thank you' without being prompted by staff.

They listen well to what is asked of them and follow instructions with ease.Regular meetings with the manager help to ensure that staff feel supported and valued. The manager ensures that all staff are supported to carry out their jobs.

Staff feel part of a strong team and that their ideas and opinions are taken on board.The manager has high expectations for staff and children. She is starting to evaluate, reflect and plan changes to benefit the children.

The manager is focusing on continually developing and improving the quality of the club. For instance, a new weekly chess class is being introduced.Children enjoy the large outdoor space available.

Staff enthusiastically play football with them, which children show great enjoyment in.Children enjoy their time at the club. They clearly demonstrate that they feel safe and happy.

They settle in quickly and choose from the many activities that staff provide. The younger children play with supportive older children. This helps them develop their social skills and make new friendships.

Children are confident to choose activities and make their own decisions at the club. Staff follow the children's lead and play alongside them. However, at times, staff miss opportunities to give children more opportunities to be independent, especially during planned activities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are extremely well trained and knowledgeable with regards to their roles and responsibilities in keeping children safe. They know the signs and symptoms of abuse and have a clear understanding about how to report a possible concern.

The manager ensures all staff have regular safeguarding training and that their knowledge and understanding are always up to date. The manager uses robust safer recruitment procedures and reviews these processes to check staff's ongoing suitability. The manager makes sure all staff are kept well informed and updated regarding children with allergies and dietary requirements.

Also at this postcode
Camp Beaumont - Keble Prep Keble Prep School

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