Ducklings Pre-School Ltd

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About Ducklings Pre-School Ltd

Name Ducklings Pre-School Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Brookfield School, Brook Lane, Sarisbury Green, SOUTHAMPTON, SO31 7DU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is outstanding • The manager and staff work as an inspiring team.

They study hard and pool their new ideas to keep the pre-school moving forward. Children have plenty to talk about and make up wonderfully imaginative games in their new role-play area. • Staff plan and deliver a diverse and exciting range of activities in the large garden area.

For example, children thoroughly enjoying dancing, mastering different ball games, and using vegetables to create different textures and patterns as they paint. Older children practise early writing skills with chalks and see what happens when water is added to the chalk lines and colours. • Staff have high expectatio...ns for children's behaviour and use a wide range of very positive strategies to help children understand how to play kindly together.

Staff continue to develop their skills in this area to help every child achieve their potential. • Assessments of children's progress are accurate and careful monitoring indicates that outcomes for most children are excellent. Where children need more help, this is identified early and acted on swiftly.

Children are extremely well prepared for the next stage in their learning. • Parents praise the staff for the high quality of care they provide and the 'home-fromhome' environment their children so greatly enjoy. They also particularly like the new sessions where parents work directly with the pre-school and the local schools.

Also at this postcode
Brookfield Community School ID PE & Sport’s Brookfield Course Centre

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