Hardingstone Day Nursery

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About Hardingstone Day Nursery

Name Hardingstone Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 38-40 Hardingstone Lane, Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6DE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestNorthamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive eager to start their day and explore what is on offer at this exciting nursery. They enjoy a wide range of well-planned activities in a stimulating and safe environment. Staff know children very well and take time to build strong relationships with their parents and carers.

This helps children to settle and feel secure.Leaders plan an ambitious curriculum that enables children to be independent and motivated learners. Physical development is well promoted by staff across the nursery.

For instance, staff encourage babies to use their whole body to make marks with water on paper. Toddlers are excited to s...ee the effects of squirting warm water onto ice as staff model how to squeeze a pipette. Staff help older children to strengthen their hand muscles as they encourage them to cut play dough using a knife and fork.

Outside, children explore the impressive play space. Staff are always on hand to promote children's curiosity. For example, when children find a ladybird, staff share interesting facts and provide a magnifying pot so that children can look more closely.

Staff teach children the nursery rules and help them to learn to regulate their own behaviour and be kind towards others. Children develop a positive attitude to learning and build good social skills in readiness for school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff create an environment that sparks children's interests.

Staff are warm, friendly and respectful in their interactions with the children. They play alongside children to guide their learning and support their emotional needs. However, at times, staff do not make the most of these interactions to extend children's learning even further.

Staff in this inclusive nursery ensure that children of all abilities, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make good progress. Staff carry out accurate assessments of children's development and identify individual needs. They work closely with parents and other professionals to develop targeted plans for children with SEND.

Children's literacy is well supported throughout the nursery. Staff provide vast opportunities for children to recognise print and practise mark making. Older children access writing materials throughout the nursery, both inside and out.

Children use these in their play, showing interest and enjoyment in writing. They use clipboards, paper and pens to write their own name and the names of their friends.Children develop a love of reading.

Staff frequently read aloud to children and make links to the books that they have previously read. Staff use stories to engage children in activities. For example, toddlers make models of book characters with dough and sticks.

Children of all ages listen intently as staff read to them. Babies turn the pages as they explore books independently. Older children enjoy reflecting on the story after it has been read, reciting key phrases during their play.

Children behave well. They listen to staff and respond to their requests. Staff support children to take part in the running of the nursery.

Children tidy up when asked and help to set the tables with cutlery as they prepare for hot, home-cooked lunches. Children serve lunch to their friends, who say thank you. Staff offer lots of praise and encouragement to children.

Staff promote healthy eating and oral hygiene well. They use daily routines to help children to understand when they need to wash their hands. Staff provide activities to support children to learn about oral health.

For instance, children enjoy brushing toy teeth. They demonstrate their understanding as they talk about brushing the germs off.Parents speak extremely highly of the management and staff and the provision for their children.

Staff share information daily via an online app to keep parents informed of their child's experiences, progress and next steps in learning. This helps parents to continue children's learning at home. In addition, staff provide evening sessions to support parents with subjects such as toilet training, screen time and sleep routines.

The manager and co-manager have developed an effective team of staff which is committed to maintaining good-quality care and learning for all children. Staff comment that they are very happy with the support they receive from leaders. This includes opportunities for regular supervision, ongoing training and support for their mental well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove staff teaching skills so they can routinely offer high-quality interactions that enhance children's learning even further.

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