Hill Top Daycare Nursery Ltd (Roof Top Nursery)

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About Hill Top Daycare Nursery Ltd (Roof Top Nursery)

Name Hill Top Daycare Nursery Ltd (Roof Top Nursery)
Ofsted Inspections
Address 6 Ottaway Street, LONDON, E5 8PX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children settle quickly as they arrive at the nursery and are safe and secure in the care of staff.

Children have the freedom to explore both the indoor and outdoor play spaces. Staff support children to be active learners and to develop a sense of curiosity. Older children are independent and confident.

Staff support babies to help them develop these skills. Children show good levels of concentration and are familiar with well-established routines.Children have access to a wealth of activities and resources.

They benefit from exploring the roof-top play area. Staff organise races in lanes and support children... as they practise skills that develop healthy minds and bodies.Children are encouraged to be kind and caring to all.

Staff model the behaviours they expect. This helps children to become resilient and learn how to manage their emotions. Staff teach children about feelings.

They label the emotion with the correct word and encourage children to express themselves freely.Children have strong relationships with staff, who in turn know them well. A flexible settling-in process helps to develop children's confidence.

Babies enjoys cuddles with staff and are observed closely to identify any possible gaps in development.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership team are experienced and knowledgeable. They are committed to providing children with a well-planned curriculum that concentrates on building on skills children already have.

Staff understand how to sequence learning and spend time observing and monitoring progress. Any gaps in learning and development are recognised quickly and plans put in place to offer the appropriate support.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive targeted support from a small dedicated team.

Targeted development information is shared with professionals to support children to make the best possible progress. Children make good progress from starting points.Staff know children well.

They are warm and friendly towards them who in turn look to staff for comfort and cuddles. Staff look at books with individual children and in small groups to ensure that they can interact with individual children.Children are happy and settled.

They giggle and laugh with staff and each other in play and chat happily at lunch time. Staff have well-established routines that help children to feel comfortable in the nursery setting.Parents value staff and comment on the excellent communication and partnership they experience.

They enjoy the newsletter and the efforts staff make to include them in their child's experience at nursery. Parents feel part of the nursery 'family' and feel supported and valued.Child engage actively in role play in the home corner.

Here, they 'cook' with real vegetables as they make dinner for their friends. Children engage for long periods and concentrate well. During these times children develop their imagination and can relate to things that they see and experience at home.

Children develop their physical skills in the garden. There are opportunities to climb, ride bikes and run around. Staff play alongside children, encouraging them and supporting their play.

Children are offered healthy meals and snacks. They have a healthy appetite and are independent and confident in feeding themselves. Babies are supported by staff to develop these skills.

Toddlers and older children serve themselves and help staff to spread cheese onto crackers at snack time. Staff understand the value of building children's self esteem.Children's speech and language is well developed, overall.

However, some staff do not consistently build on this vocabulary further with words that children may never have heard. This does not ensure that all interactions build on the growth of children's vocabulary.Children generally play co-operatively and staff remind them to share resources and take turns.

However, at times, staff do not always see that children need support to settle minor disagreements. At these times, children do not consistently develop the skills they need to resolve minor conflicts Leaders are committed to supporting staff and their ongoing professional development. Staff report that they feel valued and they make good use of their one-to-one sessions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance staff's understanding and practice and help children to develop a wide and varied vocabulary nensure that staff have an overview of children as they play in order to intervene in a timely manner when disagreements occur.

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