Little Xplorers Day Nursery

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About Little Xplorers Day Nursery

Name Little Xplorers Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 288 Kingsbury Road, LONDON, NW9 9HA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good Staff offer a welcoming and nurturing environment, where children play and learn happily. Staff praise children as they learn new skills. Children develop a good sense of belonging and self-worth.

Their behaviour is generally good. Staff provide a broad range of activities and resources to enthuse children to learn. Children make good progress in relation to what they knew before.

They are well prepared for the next stages in their learning, including the move to school. Children have wonderful outdoor experiences. For example, they learn to explore living things, show care for the natural world and appreciate the good weather around them.

...>Children engage well in activities that help them to learn about their own cultures and other people around them. For example, they take part in different festivals and read books about different people and their communities. Managers monitor and evaluate the quality of the provision.

They regularly check the progress of each child and groups to identify any needing extra help. It is not yet outstanding because: Occasionally, some staff do not provide challenges to extend children's language development fully and to stretch their thinking even further. Systems to encourage all parents to contribute to their children's next steps in learning are not always fully successful.

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