Pannal Funclub

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About Pannal Funclub

Name Pannal Funclub
Address Pannal C P School, Pannal Green, Harrogate, HG3 1LH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children happily enter the club after their busy school day.

Staff provide a welcoming and friendly environment. They form secure and trusting relationships with children at the club. Children enjoy the range of activities on offer.

For example, they use diggers to explore sand trays, searching for hidden treasure coins. Younger children use sticks, grass and leaves to make bug hotels in the outdoor area. They look through magnifying glasses to show visitors the woodlice they have collected.

Children's input is valued and welcomed by staff. Staff ask children about their interests and use this to provide planned a...ctivities for them to enjoy. Children tell visitors that they love coming and spending time with their friends and staff.

Children learn about healthy lifestyles at the club. They have regular access to the large school playground throughout the session, for daily fresh air and physical activities. For example, children enjoy running, skipping and climbing on the play equipment.

Staff join in enthusiastically with children as they play football and basketball. Children are provided with healthy snacks each day, such as watermelon, peppers and carrots which they enjoy together.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children have many opportunities to be creative at the club.

They enjoy the range of arts and crafts activities on offer each day. For example, children make ice lollies together. They access the resources they need for their creations independently, such as sticks, card and tissue paper.

Children tell visitors about the pictures they made for the King's Coronation and how much they enjoy being creative.Partnership with teachers at the host school is highly effective. Staff find out about topics children are covering in class, so they can plan further activities at the club.

Teachers share relevant information about children, which helps staff to offer them support and meet their individual needs. This helps provide children and families with a positive link between the school and club.Staff work well as a small team.

They report that they feel happy and supported here. The manager carries out regular supervision sessions to support staff's practice and identify any training needs. Staff have regular opportunities to access training.

For example, all staff have access to an online training platform, where they can access many training courses to improve their knowledge and skills. When new staff are recruited, the manager ensures that robust induction procedures are in place.Children behave well and are kind to each other.

Staff have high expectations for children. For instance, they encourage them to say please and thank you and praise children when they are polite. However, during outdoor activities, staff do not consistently reinforce positive behaviour strategies.

For example, some children struggle to manage conflict and the manager recognises the need for extra training and support for staff to develop in this area.Partnerships with parents are strong. Parents speak positively about the club.

They say that their children enjoy the range of activities on offer to them and meet their needs well. Parents value the online booking system and the flexibility of staff. Staff form positive relationships with parents and keep them fully informed about and involved in their children's day.

The manager and staff carry out daily risk assessments of the club to identify any hazards to children's safety. For example, they ensure that all areas used by children are checked before they arrive each day. This is a safe environment for children.

The manager and staff provide effective support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They work together with parents and teachers at the host school to ensure that children have the appropriate support for their specific needs. For example, staff play an active role in contributing to care plans for any of the children who need one.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team and staff demonstrate their understanding of safeguarding policies and procedures. They have a good understanding of how to keep children safe in the club.

The manager confidently explains how she keeps staff up to date with information and training. Staff are confident about the procedures they must follow if they are concerned about the welfare of a child. They know the signs of abuse and neglect and to be alert to all safeguarding issues and whistle-blowing procedures.

All members of staff complete daily risk assessments to ensure that any hazards are identified and removed. They supervise children well. This helps to keep children safe.

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