Pennington Village Pre-School

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About Pennington Village Pre-School

Name Pennington Village Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address C/O Pennington Village Pre-School, Priestlands Road, Pennington, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 8HX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement Children enjoy their time at pre-school. Staff are caring and nurturing towards the children. Relationships between staff and children are positive, and children feel safe and secure in their care.

Younger children keenly point out their photographs hanging on the 'registration tree', saying 'that's me'. This helps to develop their sense of belonging.The manager and staff want children to achieve well.

However, weaknesses in the planning and assessment processes do not ensure that all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make the best progress. Nevertheless, staff provide op...portunities for children to take part in additional activities by inviting visitors into the pre-school. For example, children listen to a story about healthy eating and take part in a teeth brushing activity provided by the visitor.

This helps them to learn about how to make choices regarding food and exercise.Children gain some knowledge and skills that prepare them for school and the next stage of their learning. For example, staff encourage children to put on their own coats, and older children offer to help younger children do up their zips.

Children are independent and access a range of activities. They take turns and happily wait for their time to ride the scooters outside. They run around calling, 'you can't catch me' as they play with their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Although the manager talks about a 'tailored curriculum' for children, this is not evident in practice. For example, staff plan activities that are generic for all children, such as listening to the story 'Peace at Last'. Activities are not based on what children know and can do, and are not specific to develop the skills and knowledge of individual children.

In addition, regular assessments are not always completed. This does not ensure that all children, including those with SEND, make the progress they could.The special educational needs coordinator does not support children with SEND well enough.

Referrals are initiated, but are not followed up when paperwork is not returned or contact not received from an external agency. This does not ensure that children with SEND receive support as swiftly as possible.Committee members are involved in the recruitment of pre-school staff.

However, they do not have sufficient oversight of day-to-day practice to ensure that key required documentation is readily available and paperwork is completed correctly. This does help to ensure the effective running of the pre-school.Staff say that their well-being is good.

They receive regular supervision, which focuses on their professional development and improvements to the provision.Parents report that they are happy with the care that their children receive. Staff gather information about the children and their families.

This helps them to get to know children when they join the pre-school. As a result, children settle easily and are confident in their surroundings.Staff encourage children's independence throughout the day.

For example, children use the toilet and competently wash their hands. Children expertly pour their milk during snack times. Mealtimes are an enjoyable experience.

Staff sit with the children and talk about what they have in their lunch boxes. Children demonstrate that they are familiar with the routine as they stack their bowls and put rubbish in the bin after eating their food.Staff interact well with children and help them to learn new vocabulary and knowledge using games, such as 'sound lotto'.

Children listen to the noises and eagerly provide answers to which animal or creature makes the sound. Staff give clues and provide encouragement when children do not quite get the right answer. This helps to develop children's confidence and skills to contribute in a large group.

Children generally demonstrate positive attitudes to learning. Staff encourage the children to think about who they would like to roll the real pumpkin to. Children name their friends and concentrate intently as they focus on the task of getting the pumpkin to the other side of the circle.

They smile with pleasure when the pumpkin arrives at its destination.The manager is keen to provide additional opportunities for children. For example, recently, staff have been able to use a minibus to take children to the farm to see the animals.

This helps children to gain an understanding of the world around them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The designated safeguarding leads (DSLs) have recently updated their knowledge through further training.

The DSLs and staff recognise the possible signs and symptoms that indicate that children may be at risk of harm or abuse. They know the procedures to report child protection concerns or allegations made against adults working with children. Staff undertake regular training to help to ensure that their knowledge remains up to date.

They have a secure understanding of a wide range of safeguarding issues, including domestic violence and radicalisation. Staff and children take part in regular drills to help to ensure that they know the process to follow in the event of a fire.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date improve planning and assessment to ensure that they are precise and meet the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities 02/11/2023 ensure that special educational needs and/or disabilities referrals are made in a timely fashion and followed up swiftly where required, so that children receive the support they need at the earliest opportunity 02/11/2023 ensure that the committee has sufficient oversight of the provision so that the required documentation is available and fully completed where necessary.


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