Rascals Before + After School Club

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About Rascals Before + After School Club

Name Rascals Before + After School Club
Address St. Bartholomews C of E School, The Rosary, Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 8AZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are very happy and settle well within the friendly environment. They develop strong friendships with other children and have secure attachments with familiar adults. Children move around confidently and engage in different activities.

Staff show a genuine interest in what the children say and do, sharing stories about family events and future plans. Children behave well, are kind and caring, and cooperate with one other. Older children are impressively kind, behave exceptionally well and help younger children respond to the staff's reminders about the rules.

Children follow good hygiene routines and are independen...t in addressing their personal care needs. Children learn to manage routine tasks for themselves, for example they serve their own healthy snack and pour their drinks. Even younger children know they must be careful not to share food or drinks in case someone has an allergy.

They have very good opportunities to develop their physical skills. For instance, they thoroughly enjoy drawing on a large scale, engaging in outdoor pursuits and dancing to music. Children enjoy relaxed mealtimes with staff and enthusiastically help to tidy up the equipment before the closure of the club.

All children benefit from this exceptional provision.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are highly passionate and work exceptionally well together to ensure children have positive experiences at the club. They provide exceptional opportunities to promote continuity in children's care.

They work closely with staff at the host school and health professionals, to strengthen their knowledge to help support children as best as possible.Staff firmly establish a highly effective key-person system to help children form strong emotional attachments. Children display exceptionally high levels of confidence and independence, and develop very positive attitudes and behaviour.

For example, they willingly welcome other children into their play and actively take turns to share the resources. Staff are excellent role models for children, and constantly praise them for their efforts and cooperation.The owner and the manager implement highly effective systems for self-evaluation to identify accurately ways to enhance children's experiences further.

For instance, the manager has plans to discuss and review with staff and older children how they can build on older children's responsibilities within the club, so they develop even more confidence in their own abilities.Partnerships with parents are excellent. Parents speak very highly of the club and comment on how the regular staff communication means that they are fully informed of their children's activities.

Risk assessments are thorough and comprehensive, which staff undertake regularly to promote children's safety. For example, staff are attentive in their supervision of children, both indoors and outdoors. During the inspection, children spoken to could state the evacuation procedure and knew who to go to if they had any concerns or worries.

Staff make excellent use of the detailed information from parents to gain a strong understanding of their children's likes and interests. Staff use this information effectively, along with their observations, to plan activities children will enjoy, such as daily craft activities, as well as quiet times to sit and read books.Leaders continuously support staff with ongoing supervision and training to strengthen their knowledge and skills.

For example, staff have built their knowledge on how to support the differing needs of children and families, and have undertaken advanced training to help care for children with specific healthcare issues.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff place children's safety at the heart of their practice and they make it their highest priority.

They implement a comprehensive and highly robust safeguarding policy. They have an excellent knowledge of child protection and they know the correct procedures for reporting any welfare concerns about a child. The manager ensures rigorous recruitment and vetting arrangements are in place, and she thoroughly checks and assesses staff suitability to work with children.

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