Roby Rainbows

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About Roby Rainbows

Name Roby Rainbows
Address Roby Park Primary School, Easton Road, LIVERPOOL, L36 4NY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Knowsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are eager to enter the setting, meet with their friends and start to play. Staff collect younger children from classrooms, while older children independently make their way to the setting. Children hang their coats and bags up, showing that they are aware of routines.

Children have free choice of what they would like to do. Some children immediately go to activities, while others access a healthy snack and drink after the school day. Staff are extremely welcoming and engage children in discussion about their day.

Children demonstrate that they feel settled and content.Staff provide a calm environment, where childr...en choose from a wealth of interesting age-appropriate activities. Children choose to take part in craft activities, build with construction blocks or use their imagination with role-play resources.

Staff encourage children to contribute their ideas and feel that they have some ownership in the setting. This supports children's self-esteem and confidence as their ideas are valued.Children's behaviour is good.

Staff are positive role models and provide consistent praise for children. Children listen carefully to staff and carry out instructions willingly. There are lots of humorous exchanges and warm interactions between children and staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff carefully consider the environment and the opportunities they wish to provide for children. For example, children can access a homework club, make home made pizza and enjoy 'movie nights' with popcorn and hot chocolate. Children enjoy a wide range of activities, which supports them in relaxing and socialising after the school day.

A key strength of the setting is how staff meet children's individual needs, particularly children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff share information from parents and teachers and endeavour to use the same strategies used at home and school. This supports children's overall well-being as they receive the same high-quality care from all adults.

Children are learning about the importance of limiting food waste. For example, children help to prepare snack using 'wonky vegetables'. This helps children understand that foods do not have to be a perfect shape to be edible.

In addition, staff encourage children to try different foods, such as exotic fruit and sushi. Children are developing an awareness of healthy lifestyles.Staff are positive role models.

They engage in discussions with children and help them to understand rules and boundaries. In addition, they help children to understand the world. For example, they talk with them about the potential dangers of sharing photographs when using social media.

This supports children to consider their personal safety when using the internet.There are well established partnerships in place with staff from the onsite school. Staff who work in the setting work as teaching assistants in school during the day.

This allows information to be regularly shared between teachers and setting staff. These partnerships help children's needs to be met by all of their carers.Parents are very positive about the care their children receive.

They state 'my child is very happy here' and 'there is always lots to do, they are always trying new foods'. Staff share information with parents on a daily basis. These partnerships help to support a consistency of care for children.

The staff are very diligent in promoting children's safety. For example, they are quick to mop up spills and remind children not to play near exit doors as the door may accidently swing into them as people enter. This helps children to understand about risk assessment and keeping safe.

The manager is an experienced childcare provider. She strives to ensure that the needs of all children are met while in her care. Staff are supported through supervision meetings, staff meetings and training opportunities.

Children benefit from this as all staff work as a close knit team, which has a positive impact on children's overall well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Roby Park Primary School

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