St Wilfrids

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About St Wilfrids

Name St Wilfrids
Ofsted Inspections
Address Mabel Street, Newton Heath, Manchester, Lancashire, M40 1GB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Manchester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is good • Staff work closely with parents and other professionals.

They make good use of the information gathered from their discussions with parents and communicate effectively about children's achievements and next steps in learning. Parents are complimentary and speak highly of the staff team. • Staff provide a caring and nurturing environment.

Children are very settled and secure. They form strong attachments with staff who support their emotional well-being effectively. • Children learn about appropriate behaviour.

Staff are good role models. They remind children about taking turns and being kind to others. • The manager and staff have a clear... vision for the further development of the playgroup.

The views of staff, parents and children help inform action plans for ongoing improvements. • Staff know children's interests, current skills and abilities. They regularly observe and assess children's development and provide activities and experiences to engage and motivate them.

Children make good progress in their learning. It is not yet outstanding because: • The manager does not have a clear overview of the progress that different groups of children are making, to identify any variations and strengthen their progress and achievement. • The manager does not use professional development opportunities as sharply as possible to extend staff's teaching skills.

Also at this postcode
St Wilfrids Out Of School Care St Wilfrid’s CofE Junior and Infant School

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