Stanbridge Out Of School Club

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About Stanbridge Out Of School Club

Name Stanbridge Out Of School Club
Address Stanbridge Primary School, Stanbridge Road, Bristol, BS16 6AL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority SouthGloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this after-school club. They are happy to explore their surroundings and are independent learners. Staff provide a warm welcome and know how to meet the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff support children to engage in a range of age-appropriate activities, such as collage making, card games and exploring books. Furthermore, younger children benefit from accessing a cosy area with soft furnishing, so they can rest after a busy school day, if needed. Staff offer consistent praise and encouragement.

This helps children to have a go and buil...ds their confidence even further.The manager and staff have a good understanding of their role to provide a safe environment for children. They undertake daily risk assessments to identify and reduce any hazards.

Children benefit from attending a safe, secure and welcoming after-school club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are attentive to children's needs and ensure they follow children's interests when planning activities. During the inspection, children enjoyed making dragon masks as part of Chinese New Year celebrations.

Children used shiny and sparkly cards and materials to glue onto their individual masks. Staff encouraged children to be creative and have a go at making their own unique masks. Children demonstrated good focus and concentration during the activity and are delighted with their individual masks.

Children are confident communicators and enjoy talking about their positive experiences at the club. During the inspection, they proudly showed their artwork to the inspector and explained what they were drawing, while making connections to real-life experiences and events.Children are well mannered, polite, and respectful towards staff and unfamiliar adults.

Key persons know how to help younger children regulate their feelings. For example, staff implement the 'zones of regulation' to help children identify with and manage their emotions. The manager states this is consistent with the school's approach in ensuring that children build resilience and receive clear messages from staff about behaviour expectations.

Staff encourage children to be active and engage in physical exercise. For example, children enjoy competing with one another indoors as they practise forward rolls and handstands on the safety mat. They also have opportunities to access the school playground, where they engage in team sports, including football.

Staff are good role models and encourage all children to have a go and participate, while ensuring children gain the essential skills, such as learning to follow instructions, turn taking and being a team player.Staff have a good understanding their role as key persons. They get to know the children's needs and preference from the start of their placement.

Staff work in partnership with parents and the school to exchange key information. This helps younger children to settle in at the club and feel at ease.The manager is supportive of her dedicated and caring staff team.

She meets regularly with staff to discuss any issues and concerns, such as those relating to key children, training needs and performance management. Staff comment that they feel valued as a member of the team and enjoy working at the club. Staff morale is high at the setting.

Parents are complimentary about the after-school club. They comment that their children enjoy attending the club and have made friends. Parents are pleased with the regular updates they receive from staff, including within their child's communication book.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a secure understanding of their role to keep children safe from harm. Staff are familiar with the club's safeguarding policy, including how to identify signs of abuse and report any welfare concerns to the relevant authorities.

Furthermore, staff are aware of the club's whistle-blowing policy, including the relevant procedures for reporting allegations. Staff continue to update their safeguarding knowledge and are aware of other aspects of safeguarding, such as county lines and online abuse. Since the last inspection, the manager has addressed the action raised by ensuring all staff have undergone suitability checks in their respective roles at the club.

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