The Lodge Day Nursery

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About The Lodge Day Nursery

Name The Lodge Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Ivry Lodge, Ivry Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 3QW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Suffolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive at this exceptionally welcoming and nurturing 'home-from-home' provision.

They come into the nursery readily as they leave their parents at the front door. Children are extremely relaxed and happy. They have quality time with the staff, who support them to feel very safe and secure.

Children enjoy sharing books and snuggling in to staff for a cuddle. Staff ensure, that the environment meets children's individual needs; the resources that they know children like are readily available. Children are very familiar with their environment and confidently select what they would like to do and when.
Staff talk to children in a calm and respectful manner, gently supporting them to share and take turns with favourite resources. Children respond extremely positively to the consistently high expectations promoted by staff. They beam with delight as staff give them meaningful praise for their efforts and achievements.

Children's communication and language skills are very well supported. Staff talk to children all the time. They provide a running commentary about what they are doing and introduce children to new vocabulary.

They respond exceptionally well to young children's babbles and gestures as they learn to communicate. Staff sing throughout the day and children are eager to join in with the familiar songs and actions.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan the environment to inspire children to learn.

They implement an excellent curriculum that builds on what children know and can do. Staff meet the unique needs of the children, helping ensure that every child makes rapid progress. Children are motivated and exceptionally well engaged, as staff are highly skilful at encouraging children to learn through play.

The management team has high expectations for the nursery and works tirelessly to ensure children have the very best experiences. The manager competently oversees the running of the nursery. She demonstrates an exceptionally strong commitment to continuous improvement and working towards excellence in all areas.

This leads to an exceptional provision and outcomes for children.Children have excellent opportunities to practise their developing physical skills. Staff offer guidance and support as children learn to stand and are close by as they begin to climb the stairs independently.

Children are busy and active outdoors, both on the decked area and in the main garden.Staff make superb use of the Ipswich Preparatory and Senior School environment and regularly take children on walks to places in the local area. They understand how these enriching opportunities contribute to deepening children's experiences of the wider world.

Leaders and staff develop outstanding partnerships with parents. Parents share that they highly recommend the nursery. They value how settling-in sessions are tailored to suit their individual child.

Parents comment that their children have made significant progress, in particular with their speech and social skills, because of attending the nursery. Staff keep parents fully informed of their child's progress, through an online system and events, such as parents' evenings. They encourage parents to remain actively involved in their children's learning, both in the nursery and at home.

Staff work very well together as a friendly and supportive team. They are extremely perceptive and communicate effectively, so that they know what other members of team are doing. As a result, staff swiftly respond to children's individual care needs.

Children experience exceptionally smooth transitions when they move between rooms in the nursery. Staff work closely with other agencies when required, such as health professionals, to ensure that there is pertinent support for those children who may need additional help.The manager has a thorough knowledge of the staff and their practice.

Staff receive high levels of support. They have opportunities to take on responsibilities within the nursery and to further their professional development. Staff well-being is given high priority and as a result, they are extremely enthusiastic and motivated.

Young children develop high levels of independence. Staff support them to wash their hands before eating. Children know to place their used paper towel in the bin before sitting with their peers, ready for lunch.

Staff encourage children to feed themselves and from a young age, they are helped to learn about the importance of good hygiene routines. Children are supported to manage their personal hygiene needs relevant to their age and stage of development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and managers create a robust culture of safeguarding, which is given utmost priority. Staff are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities. They demonstrate excellent knowledge of how to identify if a child may be at risk of harm.

All staff receive regular training to maintain their safeguarding knowledge. The management team implements thorough procedures to ensure the safe recruitment and ongoing suitability of staff. Staff are confident with the nursery's safeguarding procedures and know where to report any concerns they may have about a child in their care, or if they have concerns about members of staff.

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