Busbridge CofE Aided Junior School

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About Busbridge CofE Aided Junior School

Name Busbridge CofE Aided Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Richard Catchpole
Address Brighton Road, Godalming, GU7 1XA
Phone Number 01483417302
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 238
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. Pupils enter and leave the school with high attainment. They make good progress from their starting points and in 2011 most Year 6 pupils made outstanding progress across Key Stage 2.

Year 6 pupils' achievement in mathematics in 2013 improved, following a dip in 2012. Teachers create a positive climate for learning: almost all teachers set work at the right level for pupils of different abilities. Pupils are well guided with individual targets.

The school is a happy, friendly community: pupils and staff interact well and pupils' work is celebrated. They feel safe and behave well. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social and c...ultural skills very effectively.

Pupils lead healthy lives and enjoy good opportunities to participate in a range of sporting activities provided by outside agencies, staff and parents. Changes to the governing body and their additional training mean that governors give effective support to the school, and ask searching questions of it. The leadership team's checks on teaching are comprehensive and effective.

Alongside relevant training for staff, this has ensured that the quality of teaching and achievement at the school continue to be good. The school website and virtual learning environment ensure that useful information is provided to parents and pupils. It is not yet an outstanding school because: Teachers do not always provide pupils with precise guidance about how to improve, identify spelling errors or give pupils opportunities to act on comments in marked work.

Guided reading sessions are not always well structured. Pupils' specific needs are not always identified early enough and support is not always put in place quickly enough to ensure some pupils with special educational needs and those supported through pupil premium funding always make good progress.

Information about this school

Busbridge Church of England (Aided) Junior School is smaller than the average-sized primary school.

The very large majority of pupils are White British, with other pupils coming from a range of minority ethnic backgrounds. There are very few pupils who speak English as an additional language. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs who are supported through school action is below average, and the proportion of pupils supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational needs is also below average.

There are few pupils supported through the pupil premium, which is additional funding for pupils eligible for free school meals, in the care of the local authority or with a parent or carer in the armed services. In this school, it applies to pupils from all three of these groups. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

There have been a number of changes to the governing body, including a change to the Chair of the Governing Body, since the last inspection. In 2012, the school experienced a number of disruptions to staffing. The number of pupils supported through pupil premium funding has doubled in the last year.

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KOOSA Kids Holiday Club at Busbridge Junior School, Godalming

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