Co-op Academy Belle Vue

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About Co-op Academy Belle Vue

Name Co-op Academy Belle Vue
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Scott Fletcher
Address 450 Hyde Road, Manchester, M12 4BA
Phone Number 01612503101
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 217
Local Authority Manchester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at Co-op Academy Belle Vue. They are nurtured and cared for in a warm and positive climate.

The strong behaviour systems and daily routines help pupils to settle into school well. Pupils feel safe and privileged to be part of such a welcoming community.

Pupils have admirable and mature attitude to learning.

They respond extremely well to the schools' high expectations of them to achieve the 'The Belle Vue Difference'. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are incredibly proud to come to this school.

The school and the trust share a deep-rooted ambition for pupils to excel.

The effective delivery of a well-considered curriculum means that pupils thrive academically. Pupils delight in scholarship.

The school's spectacular offer to promote leadership opportunities is valued greatly.

Pupils relish the opportunities to represent their peers on a wide range of committees. Members of the diversity committee enjoyed organising a culture day and setting up prayer facilities for pupils. These opportunities allow pupils to celebrate differences and raise awareness of commonalities between each other.

Pupils fully embrace the school's mantra of 'everybody is different but equal'. As such, pupils experience a strong sense of joy and belonging.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the academy's inception, the school has managed its rapid expansion well.

Developing and training staff has been at the forefront of the school's work. This has proved to be a highly effective strategy. It means that staff are extremely well equipped to deliver the curriculum.

This contributes considerably to the exceptional quality of education that pupils receive. The staff's well-being charter epitomises the importance that the school places on supporting staff to manage their workload.

Supported by the trust, the school has developed a well-crafted and ambitious curriculum.

This meets the needs of the current key stage 3 pupils very well. It also ensures that they are well prepared for the transition to key stage 4.

The school has identified the essential knowledge that pupils need to be taught and when this learning should take place.

Teachers have a firm understanding of how the curriculums should be delivered. They make sure that key knowledge is revisited frequently. This helps pupils to retain their learning successfully over time.

Staff have created a stimulating and vocabulary-rich environment which captures pupils' enthusiasm for learning. Complex concepts are broken down carefully so that pupils, including those with SEND, can secure their understanding. Teachers' choice of learning activities encourages pupils to be reflective and inquisitive thinkers.

Pupils gain a strong grasp of the subject content in each subject curriculum. Over time, they build a very secure body of knowledge. Pupils use subject-specific vocabulary fluently.

They make deep and meaningful connections in their learning.

The whole-school approach to checking that pupils have understood what has been taught is highly effective. This means that teachers can reshape their teaching, tailor their support and address misconceptions quickly.

Gaps in pupils' knowledge are closed rapidly and securely. Pupils with SEND benefit immensely from this approach. The specific needs of these pupils are identified quickly.

Staff are highly skilled in matching teaching activities to these needs. As a result, pupils with SEND are engaged in lessons and achieve extremely well.

Teachers promote an infectious enthusiasm for reading.

The 'community read' sessions provide genuine opportunities for pupils to explore a wide range of books. These sessions stimulate pupils' curiosity and their critical thinking. Pupils read fluently and with understanding.

Pupils who have gaps in their reading knowledge are expertly supported. This helps pupils to read successfully.

The school and the trust are uncompromising in their expectations of pupils' behaviour.

The school has embedded unique and innovative approaches to create an engaging and successful learning environment. For example, teachers consistently apply the school's 'SLANT' routines to establish strong behaviour for learning. Pupils' excellent attitudes to learning and their ingrained sense of respect for others mean that lessons proceed without disruption.

Staff know pupils and their families exceedingly well. This helps the school to identify and remove the barriers that prevent pupils from attending school each day. As such, pupils' absence rates are well below the national average.

The school's 'electives' programme offers a rich set of experiences that extend pupils' interests, talents and aspirations. Pupils enthusiastically pursue one academic, sports and creative elective. They value the opportunity to play chess, sports and music.

This programme also captures pupils' desire to lead eco- and charitable projects to help their community.

Pupils savour the 'community conversations' and daily 'community lunch' experiences. This helps pupils to build their confidence and develop their oracy skills.

The impressive careers programme allows pupils to participate in a vast array of workshops, college and university visits. They are well informed about potential career choices and they develop high aspirations for their future.

Members of the academy governing council (AGC) and the trust are relentless in their pursuit of excellence.

The school, members of the AGC and the trust have a shared commitment to provide the very best experiences and education to the pupils and community that they serve. Continual review and refinement of their actions mean that the school goes from strength to strength.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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