Danes Hill School

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About Danes Hill School

Name Danes Hill School
Website http://www.daneshillschool.co.uk
Headteacher Mr Richard Brown
Address Leatherhead Road, Oxshott, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 0JG
Phone Number 01372 842509
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 3-13
Religious Character Non-denominational
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 692
Local Authority Surrey
Boarding Type Day
Day Fees £1,260 to £7,500

Located in 55 acres in Surrey. Entry is from 3 years into Pre-Prep with transfer to the Prep School at 6 years. Most children stay until 13 when they move on to a wide range of senior schools. Danes Hill offers an all-round education, preparing children for their next schools and encouraging them to become self-confident and articulate individuals with a zest for learning and for life.

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