Henderson Green Primary Academy

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About Henderson Green Primary Academy

Name Henderson Green Primary Academy
Website http://www.hendersongreenprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Ms Emma Andrewes
Address Earlham Grove, Norwich, NR5 8DX
Phone Number 01603628030
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 190
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher provides strong leadership. His clear vision ensures that the school is continuously improving.

School leaders and the multi-academy trust (MAT) have worked together successfully to provide a clear direction for the school, which has led to strong improvements. Teaching and assessment are good. Activities are carefully organised to support learning.

Consequently, pupils of different ages and abilities make good progress across a wide range of subjects. Teachers have good subject knowledge. They make learning fun for pupils, who in turn respond with interest and good attitudes to learning.

Provision in early years ...is good and children are well prepared for key stage 1. Effective leadership and teaching help the children make good progress. Disadvantaged pupils are well supported and make good progress in their subjects, including reading.

The curriculum is well planned to meet pupils' needs. A large variety of extra-curricular activities develop pupils' self-esteem and confidence. Pupils' behaviour and attitudes towards learning are good.

They work hard and demonstrate a high level of commitment in lessons. Attendance is in line with the national average. Pupils attend school as they enjoy learning.

Leaders promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly supportive of the school and the guidance it provides to their children.

Pupils' progress overall is good. However, the work set for the most able pupils in the school and for some children in early years is sometimes not challenging enough. The playground and school grounds do not provide the stimulus for pupils to encourage purposeful play or further learning opportunities.

Information about this school

Henderson Green Primary School became part of the Heart Education Trust in 2016 and was renamed Henderson Green Primary Academy. The trust's executive board, which includes the executive headteacher, is responsible for holding the academy leadership team to account. The school is smaller than most primary schools.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is higher than the national average. Most pupils are of White British heritage, with a small number of pupils from different ethnic backgrounds. The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is above the national average.

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