Hillborough Junior School

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About Hillborough Junior School

Name Hillborough Junior School
Website http://www.hillborough-jun.luton.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Bradshaw
Address Hillborough Road, Luton, LU1 5EZ
Phone Number 01582613331
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 358
Local Authority Luton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils attend a school where excellence is standard. They delight in the many languages spoken in school and love translating for pupils who speak English as an additional language but share the same first language as them. Yet it is the language of kindness that is spoken most loudly.

Compassionate words and caring actions are in abundance. Pupils share the view that the kindness they bring into the world has a way of 'boomeranging back' to them, making the school and the world 'a better place'.

Adults' high expectations of pupils are realised.

Pupils achieve exceptionally well academically. The school accurately identifies and meets the needs of pupils with... special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) extremely well.

Pupils develop essential skills needed to succeed in life, such as public speaking and teamwork.

A recent visit by Year 6 pupils to the London Stock Exchange showed pupils using their well-developed public speaking skills when presenting their ideas to an audience.

Pupils benefit greatly from a plethora of wider opportunities. From writing their own opera or serving on the e-safety council, to working to keep the local community safe and tidy, pupils become active and responsible citizens by the time they leave in Year 6.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils learn a curriculum that enables them to reach the highest levels of success. Subject-specific knowledge and 'Hillborough Habits', the learning attitudes the school seeks to instil in pupils, contribute towards pupils achieving exceptionally well. Pupils are very well prepared for their next steps in education.

The strong outcomes in national assessments are a result of the rich curriculum and experiences that pupils access through their time in school.

Pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well. The school accurately identifies these pupils' needs.

Following this assessment, pupils have activities carefully adapted to ensure that they learn an ambitious curriculum. Adults are highly skilled in designing and teaching activities that precisely match the needs of pupils with SEND.

Teachers are experts in the subjects they teach.

New ideas and concepts are explained clearly so that pupils understand well. The precise design of the curriculum means that pupils review the most important knowledge regularly through the curriculum. This ensures that pupils remember the key knowledge over time.

Pupils build their knowledge and skills as they move through the curriculum. For example, in physical education (PE), pupils become expert in a range of sports because they learn and master the important skills and movements they need from the start of their time in Year 3.

Pupils know the value of reading.

They read regularly, developing a rich appreciation of books as they move through the school. Some pupils need additional support. Adults expertly provide the individual support that these pupils need.

Consequently, pupils catch up quickly and master the phonics code.

Pupils have highly positive attitudes towards their learning. Consequently, lessons are rarely disrupted, and no time is wasted.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional. Pupils benefit enormously from the well-considered personal development programme. They try new things, persevere and widen their horizons.

Much of this strong work helps pupils to develop their character and independence. They learn about different relationships through the school's highly effective 'Growing Up' curriculum. Staff provide pupils with well-tailored support if they need help in managing their own emotions and feelings.

A culture of respect runs through the school. Difference is celebrated, and the school's values are enacted by adults and pupils alike.

Governors work in a highly strategic manner.

They know when to ask the difficult questions of leaders and when to put an arm around them and offer support. They carry out their statutory duties extremely well and with great diligence.

Staff are highly valued by the school.

Their workload and well-being are closely considered when change is made or new ways of working are introduced. High-quality training and development opportunities are on offer to ensure that teachers remain at the top of their game.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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