Hillyfield Primary Academy

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About Hillyfield Primary Academy

Name Hillyfield Primary Academy
Website http://www.hillyfieldacademy.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Roddy Fairclough
Address Higham Hill Road, London, E17 6ED
Phone Number 02085277934
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1257
Local Authority Waltham Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The executive headteacher and headteacher have led significant improvements in the school. They are well supported by members of the senior leadership team. Middle leaders are enthusiastic, passionate about their pupils and demonstrate good capacity to drive further improvements.

The school's current information on pupils' progress shows a picture of improving outcomes. Pupils benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum but leaders know it requires further refinement. Leaders make good use of additional funding to ensure that vulnerable pupils do well.

The governing body does a good job. Safeguarding is effective. Pupils are looked after... very well.

They feel secure at school and cared for by staff. Behaviour is good. Pupils are polite, courteous, act considerately and are positive about their learning.

The early years provision gives children a good start to their education. Staff plan and deliver activities which engage children's interests. This leads to them making good progress.

Provision for pupils in the special needs unit is outstanding because of the strength in leadership in meeting the needs of all pupils. The school has put in place effective actions to improve attendance. Current information shows attendance to be above the national average.

Parents and carers are mainly supportive of the school. They know their children are safe and enjoy school.

Information about this school

Hillyfield Primary Academy was last inspected as an academy by Ofsted in October 2014.

It was judged to be outstanding. The school is based on two sites, each with pupils from the early years to Year 6. The executive headteacher was appointed at the beginning of 2018.

The governing body has recently been restructured. Hillyfield Primary Academy is larger than the average-sized primary school. The school has a learning centre, with specific provision for pupils with autism spectrum disorder.

The proportion of pupils from a minority ethnic group is higher than the national average. The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is significantly higher than the national average. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above the national average.

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