Hurst Drive Primary School

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About Hurst Drive Primary School

Name Hurst Drive Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Mireilli Forrest
Address Hurst Drive, Waltham Cross, EN8 8DH
Phone Number 01992624099
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 397
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy, polite and kind to each other.

They have been involved, alongside staff and parents, in establishing the school's values, which they call the 'Hurst Drive Way'. These values include respect, confidence, kindness, inclusivity and community. As a result, pupils regularly demonstrate these values.

Pupils know that teachers have high expectations of them. They engage with and focus on their learning. Pupils particularly enjoy practical activities, for example science experiments, drawing and creating things.

However, in a few subjects, they do not have enough time to practise these skills.

If pupils need support, they ask for it through... the classroom worry boxes that teachers check or the locked box checked by the pastoral team. Pupils know that there is always someone to help them if they need it.

Pupils enjoy the many opportunities to develop their leadership skills. These include roles as school councillors, learning leaders, well-being ambassadors and house captains. Pupils are proud of the roles they have and the difference they can make to other pupils through these roles.

Playground buddies, for example, ensure that everyone has someone to play with.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has constructed a broad curriculum, starting in the early years. In each subject, leaders have set out what pupils need to know and when.

In most subjects, pupils can remember this important knowledge. Consequently, they make strong progress and produce high-quality work.

The school prioritises reading.

Younger pupils have regular phonics lessons. This extends into the later years if needed. Pupils practise the sounds they are learning regularly throughout the school day.

They use their phonics knowledge confidently as a result. Pupils enjoy reading. They get to know a range of texts through daily story time and reading lessons.

The school is further developing the high-quality texts that pupils can read in the class and school libraries.

In a few subjects, teachers do not routinely check the knowledge and vocabulary that pupils can remember and use. Teachers do not use this information to inform their planning.

As a result, teachers do not always plan activities or lessons that help pupils to build on what they have learned before in these subjects.

Teachers sometimes do not give pupils enough time to practise important practical skills and techniques. This means some pupils do not build on these skills effectively.

Some Year 6 pupils did not achieve as well as they should have in 2023. This was due to changes in staffing and some weaker teaching in previous years. The school has appointed some new staff and reviewed roles and responsibilities.

These changes have made improvements so that, in English, mathematics and many other subjects, current pupils learn well. However, these changes did not have enough time to help some Year 6 pupils to achieve as well as they should have.

Children in the early years get off to a good start and make rapid progress.

The school has closer links with a local nursery because of federation. These links help children settle in quickly. Staff plan activities that build on what children already know.

The school works closely with parents so that they understand what, and how, their children will learn.

Staff support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. Teachers adapt learning for pupils with SEND skilfully.

They give pupils extra, tailored help to address gaps in knowledge. Pupils with SEND work confidently alongside and with their peers and access the curriculum successfully. Pupils with SEND make strong progress.

Over the past couple of years, the school has worked hard to improve pupils' behaviour and attitudes. Pupils who need it get effective help to better manage their own behaviour. Pupils' attendance has improved significantly this academic year.

Positive relationships and the improved curriculum contribute to pupils attending regularly and on time.

Pupils have a broad range of opportunities that promote their wider development. The school plans these opportunities well.

Pupils learn about money and budgeting and different careers. They know how to stay safe in different situations, such as when online or when they cross the road. Pupils organise regular money-raising events for national charities.

They appreciate that everyone is equal. They want to do what they can to support others.

Governors have a clear, shared vision for the school.

They support and challenge leaders to work to get the best for pupils. Staff feel well supported by the school. The school actively encourages staff to continue with their own professional development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few foundation subjects, teachers do not check that pupils can remember the knowledge and vocabulary needed to learn more complex knowledge. Teachers do not use assessment information to plan or adapt activities or the curriculum.

Therefore, pupils do not build effectively on their prior learning to develop their understanding of more complex knowledge and vocabulary. The school needs to ensure that teachers check carefully what pupils know and can do in all subjects.The school should ensure that teachers use the information from these checks to plan activities and sequences of lessons that build on pupils' prior learning effectively.

• Pupils do not have enough opportunity to practise and develop skills and techniques in some practical subjects. Consequently, pupils are slow to secure basic skills and to develop more complex skills in these subjects. The school should ensure that pupils have enough time to develop and practise practical skills and are supported to develop them further.

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