Kingsland CofE Academy

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About Kingsland CofE Academy

Name Kingsland CofE Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sara Goddard
Address Werrington Road, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 9AS
Phone Number 01782229138
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 476
Local Authority Stoke-on-Trent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The Christian ethos permeates the school. Pupils feel safe and cared for. They have warm and trusting relationships with adults in the school.

Pupils hold the school chaplain in high regard. Pupils can share their concerns and worries with him. As one pupil said, 'We know there is always someone there for us.'

Pupils say that bullying does sometimes happen but that adults deal with it quickly.

Pupils behave well during lessons. Some pupils say that occasionally learning is disturbed but that teachers put a stop to it quickly.

At certain times, if behaviour in the corridor is boisterous, it is managed well.

Pupils do well because leaders and... staff expect them to attend regularly, work hard and do their best. Most pupils rise to these high expectations.

Pupils and their families are at the heart of the school community. Leaders work hard to engage with parents. Parents appreciate the variety of courses run in the school's lighthouse centre.

Parents are positive about learning ways to support their children's learning. However, some parents raised concerns about not knowing how well their child is doing in school due to a lack of communication.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have worked well to support the pupils through the pandemic.

They recognise that pupils' progress has been negatively affected due to extensive staff and pupil absence. Leaders have identified gaps in pupils' learning. Leaders have carefully adapted the curriculum in response.

Some of these changes are new and not yet consistent across the school. Leaders have not yet evaluated the impact of the changes they have made to subjects.

Reading is prioritised across the school.

Children quickly learn to read because staff deliver the phonics programme well. Pupils develop their reading skills through the well-chosen books that match the letter sounds they are learning. Teachers introduce pupils to books that are challenging and engaging.

Pupils enjoy mathematics and their knowledge builds over time because the mathematics curriculum is well sequenced. Pupils remember and apply their mathematical skills because teachers frequently revisit previous learning. For example, pupils can solve increasingly difficult problems in number, geometry and algebra.

Pupils know and understand a wide range of mathematical vocabulary. They use this terminology accurately.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well because of the effective curriculum and high-quality support they get in lessons.

Most staff understand pupils' needs well and use this information to identify and address pupils' gaps in learning. However, in some classes planned interventions do not target the key gaps in knowledge effectively enough to support all of the pupils to catch up quickly enough.

Children get off to a good start in early years.

For example, children learn new vocabulary and develop their speaking and listening skills because of well-planned activities and staff's effective questioning. Gaps in children's learning are dealt with well through experiences that are matched to children's needs. In addition, children's physical development and emotional and social skills are enhanced well through the school's sensory area, barefoot walk and story chair.

Children learn how to eat healthily by, for example, carrying out food tasting linked to Chinese New Year.

Pupils have active roles in the wider community. They learn about people who inspire them in 'courageous advocacy week', they fundraise for local charities and sing carols in the local area.

Pupils take pride in the leadership roles they have, such as sports leaders, worship monitors and junior leaders.

Leaders have identified the characteristics they want pupils to develop and the issues of which they need to be aware. Consequently, most pupils are resilient, self-confident and know how to deal with difficult situations they may encounter in and out of school.

Pupils' attendance has improved because of the school's effective work with pupils and their families. Most families now understand the importance of good attendance and support the school's continuing drive to make sure pupils are in school and learning.

Trustees and governors visit the school regularly.

They provide an appropriate balance of support and challenge for leaders. The trust supports the school well. They ensure that leaders get the support they need.

Leaders ensure that staff well-being and workload are carefully monitored. Workload is considered by leaders when making decisions about curriculum developments. Staff appreciate this.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Effective systems are in place to identify pupils who are at risk of harm. Staff are well trained in spotting the signs of neglect, radicalisation and exploitation.

Staff ensure that pupils and families get the support they need.

Leaders make referrals to appropriate agencies when needed. They work closely with other local authorities to support those pupils who are looked after.

Pupils learn about the dangers they may face outside of school. For example, visitors to school teach pupils about the dangers of gang culture and keeping safe near the railway. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe when using the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders have refined the curriculum to help pupils remember more of their learning. Some of these changes are new. Subject leaders need to evaluate the impact of the recent changes made to their subjects to ensure they are supporting pupils to remember the planned curriculum.

• In some classes, teachers do not help pupils catch up with missed learning, address misunderstandings and misconceptions or to fill the gaps in their learning. This means that some pupils, including those with SEND, are not catching up on learning quickly enough. Leaders need to make sure that all staff use assessment effectively to modify the curriculum or to plan additional support to help pupils catch up quickly.

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