Oasis Academy Woodview

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About Oasis Academy Woodview

Name Oasis Academy Woodview
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Joseph Darnley
Address Woodview Drive, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2HU
Phone Number 01214404202
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 417
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Oasis Academy Woodview enjoy school.

Pupils talk with pride and affection about the staff and benefit from positive and respectful relationships with them. Pupils say that 'teachers are amazing'. Pupils have positive attitudes to learning.

Even the youngest pupils follow routines well and settle down to work quickly.

Pupils behave well around the school. In classrooms they are calm and focused.

Pupils work well together, for example sharing resources and ideas to support one another. Pupils are polite to each other and respect each other's differences. They encourage each other to be kind by nominating candidates for 'kind hearts' awards....r/>
Bullying is rare and pupils say the adults deal with any incidents quickly when it does happen.

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to achieve well, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). However, in some subjects pupils do not achieve as well as they should because there is variation in how well teachers check what pupils have learned.

Leaders have not yet put into place all their plans to improve how well pupils learn.

Many parents speak highly of the teachers and the leaders. They say they feel welcomed and value the part the school plays in the community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The trust and school leaders keep the community at the heart of the school's work. The principal understands the strengths of the school. He has developed appropriate plans that focus well on the actions needed to make further improvements to the quality of education, and started to put these plans into place.

However, some leaders lack experience in their roles and have yet to check how well their subject is being taught and how well pupils are achieving. As a result, they lack a full understanding about what needs to improve in their subject.

The ambitious curriculum is underpinned by the trust's core values of character, competence and community.

It is organised to build pupils' knowledge and understanding over time. In some subjects this is effective. For example, older pupils are able to talk with confidence about computing.

They can recall detailed learning about coding from previous years and use this knowledge to support new learning. However, in other subjects, teachers do not check what pupils know and can do well enough before planning their work. This means pupils struggle to complete the tasks set.

For example, in geography pupils could not identify Belgian landmarks because they did not know what a landmark was.

Leaders prioritise the teaching of reading. Older children are enthusiastic about reading and say, 'school makes reading fun and I love it'.

Pupils enjoy the books they read at home as well as the texts on their electronic devices. However, the new phonics curriculum is not yet fully embedded. Some staff have not received full training on the programme.

In some cases, staff do not ensure that pupils have securely learned the sounds from previous lessons before moving them on to new sounds. This means that pupils are not able to learn the new sounds successfully.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils with SEND.

Additional emotional support and guidance help pupils to manage their behaviour well. Teachers have regular training, and support staff are well informed about how to help these pupils.

Pupils benefit from a well-planned personal development curriculum.

This curriculum is also taught through all other subject areas. The trust's 'nine habits' are central to all areas of school life. Pupils have many opportunities to develop aspects of their character.

Leaders help pupils to develop a sense of responsibility to themselves and others. For example, pupils have opportunities to become part of the 'safeguarding squad' or junior PCSOs. Pupils talk maturely about British values, different world faiths and diversity.

This means that they are well prepared for life in modern Britain and the wider world. School clubs include a range of sports, gardening and wider activities. Pupils say they would like more clubs.

Trust leaders know the school well. They have ensured that leaders receive an appropriate level of support and challenge. Staff are proud to be part of the team.

Staff feel valued and agree that leaders are considerate of their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

School and trust leaders work together to ensure that there is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school.

Leaders know their community and families well and take their safeguarding responsibilities seriously. Staff are well trained in safeguarding and take prompt action in response to any potential concerns. Record-keeping is comprehensive.

Robust checks are made when new staff join the school. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. This includes when they are online.

They know that there are trusted adults in school to speak to.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teachers do not use assessment well enough to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge before moving them on to new learning. As a result, some pupils do not achieve as well as they should.

Leaders should ensure that teachers receive training to enable them to use assessment effectively to help pupils build on their prior learning more successfully in all subjects. ? Leaders have recently introduced a new phonics programme. However, some staff are not yet fully trained to deliver the programme and there is variability in how well phonics is taught.

This slows some pupils' progress in learning to read.Leaders should ensure that all staff receive the support they need to help them teach phonics well. ? Some subject leaders are still developing aspects of their leadership skills.

They do not yet check carefully enough on how well their curriculum area is delivered and how well pupils are achieving. As a result, the quality of education is variable and pupils' experiences are inconsistent. Senior leaders need to ensure that subject leaders receive training to ensure that the intended curriculum is delivered consistently well.

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Happy Families@Oasis Academy ’Woodview’

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