Pownall Green Primary School

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About Pownall Green Primary School

Name Pownall Green Primary School
Website http://www.pownallgreen.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Julie Kersh
Address Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2EB
Phone Number 01614391105
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 422
Local Authority Stockport
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pownall Green Primary School encourages pupils to 'love learning, love life!'. The school has high expectations of what pupils should achieve. Pupils respond with positivity to the work that their teachers prepare for them.

Most pupils achieve well across a range of subjects.

Pupils understand the school's 'Golden Values'. Many of them strive to follow these in all that they say and do.

They look forward to the weekly golden assemblies and take great pride in being celebrated on their class recognition boards.

Pupils told inspectors how much they enjoy playing together with their friends. Any arguments between pupils are sorted out quickly by staff.<...br/>
Pupils said that they feel happy that staff in school know them well. They trust staff to respond sensitively to any worries or problems that they may have.

Pupils make a difference to their school community through a variety of leadership opportunities, for example as members of the school council or as house captains.

They are proud to make a positive difference to their local community, such as collecting food donations at harvest time for a local food bank.

Pupils spoke enthusiastically about extra-curricular activities such as sewing, chess, choir and art. They are especially proud of their sporting achievements.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Much thought has been given to the design of an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school has identified the knowledge that they wish pupils to learn and when this should be taught.

Staff receive regular curriculum training to develop their skills in a range of subjects.

As a result, staff feel confident in delivering the curriculums that they teach. In many subjects, staff provide regular opportunities for pupils to revisit the most important knowledge and vocabulary from their previous learning. They check what pupils know and can remember and use this information to shape future teaching.

Staff design activities that help pupils to build on what they know and deepen their knowledge over time.

In a small number of subjects, pupils' knowledge of some aspects of their learning is not as secure. Pupils have had fewer opportunities to revisit and strengthen their learning in these subjects.

Parents and carers spoke positively about the opportunities they have to share learning with their children in school, for example shared lessons about the Great Fire of London and phonics workshops. This helps them to support their children's learning at home.

The school has placed reading at the heart of the curriculum.

Children in the early years begin learning phonics at the earliest opportunity. Pupils across school are provided with many opportunities to read, share and enjoy a diverse range of books and stories. They enjoy using the well-stocked school and class libraries.

Staff have been trained to have the expertise to support pupils well in their phonics learning. They deliver the phonics programme effectively. Staff check on the progress that pupils make regularly.

They provide extra support when needed, so that pupils who struggle to learn to read can catch up. Books are closely matched to the sounds that pupils have learned. Almost all pupils read fluently by the time they enter key stage 2.

The school has ensured that there are effective systems in place to identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND. These pupils access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. This is most effective when adaptations made to the curriculum are well matched to pupils' needs.

This supports pupils with SEND to develop their independence and achieve well. However, the school has not provided staff with the guidance they need to successfully adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of some pupils with SEND. This means that, on occasion, these pupils do not get the support that they need to achieve as well as they could.

Pupils understand the importance of treating everyone fairly. Children in the early years learn to follow established routines. They learn how to share resources and learn well together.

Most pupils engage well in their learning. On occasions, learning is interrupted and some pupils require extra support to focus. However, the school ensures that these pupils are provided with timely and effective help.

Any interruptions to learning are dealt with swiftly.

Leaders make sure that children and pupils experience a wide range of activities to develop their understanding of the wider world. This begins in the early years, where children learn about different festivals such as Diwali and Chinese New Year.

Pupils also benefit from links with a partner school in Kenya. This further develops their global awareness. Pupils learn how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy.

They understand what a healthy relationship is and how to keep themselves safe online.

Governors know the school well. They provide an appropriate balance of challenge and support.

The school has taken positive action to reduce staff workload with regard to changes to marking policies. Staff are provided with the time they need to fulfil their roles.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, the most important knowledge and vocabulary from prior learning is not revisited with enough frequency to strengthen pupils' long-term memory of the curriculum. This means that sometimes pupils cannot remember what they have been taught and struggle to apply their learning in a new context. The school should ensure that the most important knowledge and vocabulary in these subjects is revisited regularly so that pupils are supported to strengthen their learning.

• The school has not ensured that staff receive the guidance that they need to adapt the delivery of the curriculum to meet the needs of some pupils with SEND. On occasions, this hinders how well some pupils with SEND achieve. The school should ensure that staff are provided with guidance to ensure that each pupil with SEND receives the support that they need to achieve well.

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