St Luke and St Philips Church of England Primary School

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About St Luke and St Philips Church of England Primary School

Name St Luke and St Philips Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Samantha O'Connell
Address Hancock Street, Blackburn, BB2 2LZ
Phone Number 0125454866
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 209
Local Authority Blackburn with Darwen
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school St Luke and St Philip's Church of England Primary School is thriving. The headteacher, skilfully supported by governors, senior and middle leaders, has put in place clear plans for success. Staff morale is high; all staff are provided with good professional support and training.

There is a strong sense of teamwork, which is reflected in the way that staff work to support all pupils. The curriculum provides many opportunities for pupils to learn about interesting themes, subjects and topics. Pupils make great strides forward in their personal development.

They are caring, respectful individuals who enjoy coming to school. Pupils behave wel...l and are eager to learn. Staff promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well through the wide and varied range of curriculum experiences, both in and out of the school.

Children get off to a flying start in the early years. They settle into school quickly, are happy and enjoy their learning. The teaching of phonics is highly effective.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. The quality of teaching and use of assessment are consistently good throughout the school. Occasionally, teachers' expectations are not matched closely enough to pupils' abilities.

For some most-able pupils, work can be too easy, and this limits their opportunities to reach the higher levels by the end of each key stage. Pupils make good progress across a range of subjects including reading, writing and mathematics. Improvement in reading is stronger than writing and mathematics.

Pupils' skills in these subjects are not promoted well across other subjects. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils are well supported and make good progress. Governors are knowledgeable about the work of the school.

They provide a good level of challenge and support to the headteacher to ensure that the school continues to move forward. Safeguarding is effective. The strong culture of safeguarding across the school leads to pupils feeling safe.

Information about this school

The school opened as a sponsored academy on 1 May 2014. It is part of the Cidari Multi-Academy Trust. According to its scheme of delegation, the board of trustees has responsibility for determining the vision, ethos and strategic priorities for the trust.

The school's local governing committee has responsibility for day-to-day matters, including monitoring the quality of leadership, teaching and learning, behaviour and safety. The school is smaller than the average-size primary school. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above average.

Approximately one third of the pupils are White British. Other pupils come from a variety of minority ethnic groups, with the majority being of Pakistani heritage. A high proportion of pupils speak English as an additional language and growing numbers are at an early stage of learning to speak English.

The proportion of pupils with SEND is high. The proportion with an education, health and care plan is average. The proportion of pupils who leave and join the school other than at the usual times of admission and transfer is well above average.

The school provides a breakfast and after-school club for pupils. St Luke and St Philip's Church of England Primary School has a religious character and is therefore subject to a section 48 inspection. The previous section 48 inspection was conducted in June 2016.

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