St Mark’s CofE Junior School, Salisbury

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About St Mark’s CofE Junior School, Salisbury

Name St Mark’s CofE Junior School, Salisbury
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Helen Fielder
Address Somerset Road, Salisbury, SP1 3BL
Phone Number 01722333497
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 354
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's motto 'believing in better' permeates everything that happens at St Mark's. Pupils are proud of their caring and friendly school.'

St Mark's is a fantastic school,' commented one parent. Similar views to this were shared by other parents and pupils. Pupils who spoke to inspectors said that they enjoy school and feel safe.

They like all the opportunities they have through clubs, trips and responsibilities.

The leaders, governors and staff are ambitious for all pupils. They have high expectations of what the pupils can achieve.

Pupils rise to these expectations. The recent work to improve the curriculum for reading, writing and mathematics... is well developed. As a result, pupils are achieving well in these subjects.

Pupils enjoy the lessons the teachers plan for them. Leaders plan a curriculum that provides a broad range of subjects. Some of the plans are quite new.

Pupils talk about their learning in music and computing. They talk enthusiastically about opportunities to sing at Wembley and Salisbury Cathedral.

Bullying is rare.

Pupils trust that adults in school would sort it out if it did happen. Behaviour is always of a very high standard. Pupils and staff have very strong relationships.

The inclusion team works very hard to support any child to succeed.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders set high expectations of staff and pupils. They have built a strong sense of teamwork across the school.

They have acted successfully to improve the curriculum and raise academic standards, particularly within English and mathematics. Pupils learn well across the curriculum. Their work is typically of good quality.

Leaders ensure that staff are well supported and benefit from well-focused training and coaching. Staff appreciate this and the way the leaders, including governors, ensure that their workload is manageable.

Pupils understand and remember what they have learned in a range of subjects from previous years.

This is because they practise the skills they have learned. They recalled learning about the Holocaust in history and could use this knowledge in their PSHE learning. However, there is more to do to ensure that they use learning from one subject in another.

Leaders have made reading a high priority. Pupils who are not ready to read well when they start the school are helped to start to read fluently. Leaders have thought carefully about how they support reading, and phonics teaching is helping pupils to improve.

Leaders are planning to develop pupils' vocabulary throughout the rest of the school.

Teachers have secure knowledge of the subjects that they teach and how to teach them. Learning in music and computing, for example, are well planned.

Pupils practise and revisit their skills. Teachers quickly spot pupils' mistakes and help them to correct these. The introduction of the learning characteristics across the school has ensured teachers have a shared approach to teaching across the school.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from well-planned activities. These pupils receive a broad curriculum. The special educational needs coordinator checks that these pupils follow a curriculum that is similar to that of other pupils.

Leaders and teachers work closely with external agencies to provide effective support.

Pupils can take on a wide range of roles and responsibilities. They particularly like their involvement in running a number of clubs and activities.

Leaders prepare pupils well for the next stages in learning and life beyond the school. They want them to become active citizens in their community and learn more about the world beyond it.

Pupils are confident and courteous.

They know why it is important to respect others who have different backgrounds and beliefs to themselves. Staff ensure that behaviour in lessons and around school is of a high standard. Pupils have positive attitudes, and this helps them learn well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding at the school. Staff are well trained.

They know the different risks that pupils face, and what signs to look out for. Staff work closely together, and with external agencies, to support the most vulnerable pupils.

Pupils told us they feel safe in school.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe both in the community and online.

Leaders ensure that all the necessary checks required for staff are carried out before they start working. Governors know they have an important role in keeping pupils safe.

They check the work of leaders and regularly discuss safeguarding, acting on any concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders have made significant progress in implementing their curriculum plans in a range of subjects. There are some areas where this is less well developed.

Leaders should ensure that curriculum plans in all subjects are consistently in place so that teachers are clear about the knowledge and skills pupils should achieve. Stronger leaders should continue to support the newer leaders to help them improve their subject areas.Not all pupils have secured the skills they need to become fluent readers.

Many pupils have gaps in their knowledge of phonics. Leaders have started to address this by introducing a phonics programme for younger pupils. Leaders now need to finalise their plans to develop pupils' vocabulary throughout the rest of the school.

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