White Cliffs Primary and Nursery School

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About White Cliffs Primary and Nursery School

Name White Cliffs Primary and Nursery School
Website http://www.whitecliffsprimary.com
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Helen Castle
Address St Radigund’s Road, Dover, CT17 0LB
Phone Number 01304206174
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 315
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The principal is held in high regard by parents, staff and pupils. Her passion and determination to provide the very best educational experiences for pupils are shared and understood by all. The trust and academy board demonstrate an incisive understanding of the school.

They carefully evaluate the effectiveness of the school's development and provide well-considered support and challenge to leaders. Safeguarding is a strength of the school. Leaders and staff know pupils well and are highly alert to their needs.

Leaders are tenacious in ensuring that pupils and families receive the care and support they need. Pupils with special education...al needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and the high number of disadvantaged pupils make strong progress because they are supported well. Pupils behave well.

They have respectful relationships with each other and with the staff. This is an inclusive and friendly school. Parents and carers are extremely positive about the school.

They are confident that their children are safe, happy and well-cared-for. Current pupils make good progress across the school in reading, writing and mathematics. Teaching overall is good.

Teachers and support staff appreciate the many opportunities leaders give them to develop. As a result, staff constantly strive to improve their practice. However, not all teaching is consistently as good as the best.

The most able pupils do not always achieve the standards of which they are capable because : teachers' expectations are not consistently high enough. The curriculum provides pupils with many opportunities to learn across a range of subjects. These are further enriched by creative opportunities.

However, leaders recognise that their vision for the curriculum needs to be shared more widely with staff. Children get off to an outstanding start in the early years because of the high-quality care and provision that they receive. Children settle into school quickly and happily.

Information about this school

The school converted to become an academy in June 2012. It is a member of the DFAMAT. The school is overseen by members of the academy board, two of whom are trustees.

Trustees and members of the academy board work together to set the strategic direction of the school. The number of pupils on roll is increasing due to the recent completion of a new building which provides extra classrooms and a new outside area for Reception children. Currently there are two classes in each year group from Reception to Year 4, with one class in Year 5 and one class in Year 6.

The proportion of pupils who are eligible for pupil premium funding is significantly above the national average for primary schools. Most pupils are white British. The proportion of pupils for whom English is an additional language is below national figures.

The proportion of pupils with SEND is broadly average. The school is in one of the most deprived areas nationally. The school runs a breakfast and after-school club.

Pebbles Nursery is on the school site and is run by DFAMAT. This is inspected separately and receives a separate inspection report. Most children who attend Pebbles join the school in Reception Year.

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