Witham St Hughs Academy

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About Witham St Hughs Academy

Name Witham St Hughs Academy
Website http://www.withamsthughsacademy.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Richard Stock
Address Muntjac Way, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln, LN6 9WF
Phone Number 01522869590
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 415
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thoroughly enjoy attending Witham St Hughs Academy, where they are inspired to learn and achieve. Pupils said that the school was 'life changing' and that they feel very lucky to attend.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They live and breathe the school's values of resilience, respect, unity, enjoyment and ambition. Pupils strive to be positive members of their school community.

They wear the school's stickers and badges with pride.

The school has the highest expectations for all. It provides numerous opportunities for pupils to develop their interests and talents.

They love the broad range of clubs on offer, such as sign language, drumming, cod...ing, choir, cookery, cricket and many more.

Pupils proudly take on roles of responsibility, such as being members of the community council, eco-warriors, curriculum champions or well-being champions, or by being part of the 'ministry of food'. Pupils spoke about how these roles 'help others and make a difference'.

The school guides pupils to be responsible, caring individuals.

One parent, typical of many, spoke about how their children 'have flourished academically, socially and emotionally.' Another parent said: 'This school goes above and beyond each and every day.

They celebrate each child as an individual and develop their talents and interests.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils learn exceptionally well here. The curriculum is highly ambitious for all.

The school has ensured that the precise knowledge, skills and vocabulary that pupils need to learn are carefully mapped out.

The curriculum is delivered by skilled, passionate staff. In all lessons, pupils work hard and enjoy learning.

No time is wasted. Teachers present key concepts very effectively. They systematically revisit content taught previously.

This ensures that pupils can confidently remember what they have learned. In mathematics, for example, pupils in Year 5 were learning about co-ordinates and could discuss how their learning built on the work done in Year 4. The school has introduced 'maths stations' in lessons, which support pupils and enables them to progress.'

Working walls' are also used to showcase prior learning and support pupils in lessons.

Teachers expertly question pupils to check their understanding. They use a variety of flashback activities and strategies to aid pupils' memory.

In geography in Year 2, teachers use songs to recap on the world's oceans, and in mathematics they use 'fraction Fridays' to revisit and ensure that learning is secure in key areas of the curriculum.

Pupils love books at this school. Reading is encouraged and nurtured.

Pupils' interests are taken into consideration, and pupils regularly recommend books for each other to read and for the school to add to their extremely impressive library. Teachers ensure that pupils read and share texts that explore diversity and different groups in society through the school's 'reading spine'. This helps pupils to broaden their understanding of the wider world.

Pupils spoke about how teachers, 'inspire you to step out of your reading comfort zone and to try new books and genres.' Teachers and other adults have received expert training to ensure that they deliver the phonics programme exceptionally well. Pupils who struggle to learn to read get extra support and practice.

The school supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) exceptionally well. Staff quickly identify the needs of pupils with SEND. They ensure that any adaptations for these pupils are thoroughly considered and work well.

Teachers adapt lessons skilfully to meet the needs of all pupils. Pupils with SEND flourish and experience success.

Children in the early years are full of smiles and eagerness to learn.

Children settle well and develop their understanding of routines and expectations. There are stimulating, precisely-planned activities that enable children to acquire and practise new skills and vocabulary. Children could remember new words such as 'gasped', 'shimmer' and 'magnificent' and are encouraged to enjoy learning and using new words.

Pupils benefit from a carefully constructed, bespoke personal development curriculum. Character education is at the core of the school's curriculum. It enables pupils to learn to be tolerant and respectful.

Pupils have a clear understanding of British values and the protected characteristics. This provision goes beyond the expected. For example, pupils' talents and interests are nurtured through the 'enhanced enrichment' offer and cultural capital experiences such as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) clubs and workshops, and virtual assemblies with engineers and scientists.

The school provides pupils with an exceptional education. It is very well led. Leaders listen to staff and work with them to ensure that workload is manageable.

High-quality professional development plays a key role in the school's success. All staff are dedicated to supporting the development of every pupil.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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The Village Kids Club @ Witham St Hughs

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