Woldingham School

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About Woldingham School

Name Woldingham School
Website http://www.woldinghamschool.co.uk
Headmistress Mrs Julia Harrington
Address Marden Park, Woldingham, Surrey, CR3 7YA
Phone Number 01883 349431
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 10-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 579
Local Authority Surrey
Boarding Type Day,Weekly/Flexible Boarding and Full Boarding
Day Fees £8,030 to £9,630
Boarding Fees £14,110 to £15,950

Woldingham is a leading boarding and day school for girls aged 11-18 set in 700 acres of the most beautiful Surrey countryside. Woldingham is an inspiring place for students to become confident, compassionate and courageous young women. It’s a place where students learn to ‘write your own story’ through excellent teaching, boundless opportunities and first-rate pastoral care. Woldingham’s rural location is just 30 minutes from London by train and easy to get to from Gatwick and Heathrow.

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