Yesoiday Hatorah Boys Academy

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About Yesoiday Hatorah Boys Academy

Name Yesoiday Hatorah Boys Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Rabbi Jonathan Yodaiken
Address Sedgley Park Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 0JW
Phone Number 01617736364
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Jewish
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 447
Local Authority Bury
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy being at school. They have excellent relationships with staff.

Pupils feel reassured by the adults at the school because they keep them safe from harm.

Pupils are keen to learn. They are responding well to the higher expectations that leaders have put in place for their learning in all areas of the curriculum.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), typically achieve well.

Pupils behave well. They meet the expectations that staff set for their behaviour.

Pupils know the importance of being a good friend to others. They also understand the harmful effects of bullying. This ensures that b...ullying is rare.

If it does occur, leaders tackle incidents decisively.

Pupils relish the opportunities they have to take on leadership roles. For example, some pupils are elected to become members of the school forum.

They are given responsibility for bringing about positive change to making improvements to the school, while also learning about the principles of democracy. Leaders also involve parents and carers in pupils' education. Pupils receive careers guidance from parents with backgrounds in finance and marketing, as well as other guest speakers.

Pupils then use this advice to design their own businesses to raise money for charity.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have set out a new, ambitious curriculum in all subjects, including in the early years. They have clearly identified the key knowledge they want pupils to remember.

In most subjects, teachers have an excellent understanding of what pupils need to know. Pupils achieve well. This is reflected in the published outcomes at the end of key stage 2, where pupils' attainment is significantly above that of other schools nationally.

However, teachers' knowledge in a small number of subjects is not as well developed as it is in others. In these subjects, teachers do not provide activities that match the ambition of the newly designed curriculum. This is also evident in the early years, where some activities do not help children to learn the curriculum well enough.

As a result, some children and pupils do not recall some of their learning as well as they should.

In most subjects, teachers check on pupils' learning well to assess what they have remembered. They use this information effectively to adapt their teaching so that pupils gain a secure body of knowledge.

However, this is not the case in a small number of subjects, where the curriculum is not as well developed. This contributes to pupils' learning not being as secure as it could be in these subjects.

The reading curriculum is thoughtfully designed to enable children in the early years, and pupils across the rest of the school, to become fluent and enthusiastic readers.

For example, children in the Reception Year build their knowledge of sounds well to start to read simple words. There is effective support in key stage 1 to help pupils tackle words of increasing complexity. Across the school, leaders have used the reading curriculum to make meaningful links with other subjects to deepen pupils' knowledge of the topics they study.

As pupils move into Year 3, they start to develop other aspects of their reading, such as their comprehension skills.

Leaders ensure that they identify the needs of pupils with SEND at an early stage. The support that leaders provide enables teachers to adapt their approach to the curriculum so that these pupils can access the same content as their peers.

Leaders use specialist support when it is needed. Some pupils are guided well to develop their independence so that they are better equipped for the next stages in their education.

Pupils' conduct in lessons and around the school building is generally good.

For example, in the early years, children are inquisitive and explore the different areas of learning well. However, at times, some key stage 1 pupils switch off and do not focus on their learning. This is because some teachers are not consistent in their approach to managing pupils' behaviour.

This leads to some needless repetition to ensure that they retain what has been taught.

The provision for pupils' personal development is outstanding. Leaders have ensured that pupils' personal, social, health and economic education is weaved through the curriculum.

For example, special visitors enhance pupils' understanding of healthy lifestyles. Pupils demonstrate an exceptional understanding of respect and difference. Leaders have ensured that pupils develop a strong sense of self-worth and of how fundamental British values relate to their own lives.

Trustees understand the school well. They receive detailed reports from leaders, and they check to assure themselves about the accuracy of this information. Trustees ensure that all of their statutory duties are met.

They are clear about the vision for school improvement and how leaders are developing their curriculum.

Staff feel supported by leaders to manage their workload. The vast majority of parents who responded to Ofsted's survey, Parent View, and those staff who responded to the staff survey were overwhelmingly positive about the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff and governors receive appropriate training so that staff remain vigilant for any signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm.

Leaders meet regularly to discuss any concerns they have about vulnerable pupils and to check on their progress.

Leaders work sensitively with parents to address any emerging safeguarding issues. For example, they engage with external agencies to provide early help, preventing any concerns about pupils or their families from escalating.

Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, in the early years and across key stages 1 and 2, the activities that teachers choose for pupils' learning in some subjects do not match what is set out in the curriculum. This means that pupils do not remember some of the key learning as well as they could. In these subjects, leaders should ensure that teachers select the right activities and approaches when delivering the curriculum so that pupils remember what they have been taught.

• In key stage 1, teachers do not have consistently high expectations of pupils' behaviour. This means that some pupils switch off and do not engage in their learning as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that the approaches used to manage pupils' behaviour are applied consistently so that pupils' learning is not interrupted.

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