Bluecoat Nursery

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About Bluecoat Nursery

Name Bluecoat Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Bluecoat Nursery, Christs Hospital, Horsham, RH13 0LJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children have fun as they learn.

They benefit from a variety of activities to support early writing skills. For example, they use a wide range of implements, including their hands, to make marks with thick paint. They relish the feel of the paint on their hands and notice how colours change when they are mixed.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported. Pictures and visual aids are used to support children's understanding of communication. Staff actively signpost parents to external agencies for additional professional guidance.

Staff provide good support to help children l...earn how to share and take turns. For example, staff use sand timers to help children understand when it is their turn on the bicycle. Children are praised appropriately for their courtesy.

For instance, they say 'excuse me' as they ride up and down the paths outside. Children show kindness and consideration to their friends. For example, when a child falls, his friend helps him inside to receive first aid.

Children freely choose their own activities and resources. They talk confidently to staff and visitors. For instance, a child completing a jigsaw explains that it is butterfly and they start life as caterpillars.

This shows that children are able to recall and remember what they have learned.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children make good progress in communication and language. They demonstrate an understanding of word meanings.

For example, the word 'titchy' came up in a story and a child explained that it meant tiny. During snack time, staff talk to children about the importance of drinking water to stay hydrated. Staff explain the meaning of the word, supporting the extension of children's vocabulary.

Children enjoy reading and looking at books. They recall and re-enact, in detail, the events of their favourite stories, such as 'Three Little Pigs.' Outside, children have wide ranging opportunities to develop their physical skills.

Staff ensure that there are bicycles for children to choose to ride, which support and extend their physical skills. Others learn to balance on the balance beams or practise jumping on the trampoline.Children have many opportunities for creative and imaginary play.

They draw chalk circles on the path, pretending they are holes. Children warn their friends not to fall in the holes. Others pretend there is a fire and use a hose to put it out.

Children use toy drills to mend the cars and sheds.Staff know the starting points of the children. Overall, they plan suitable activities to help them make good progress in their learning.

Occasionally, the resources chosen do not meet the needs and abilities of the children.Staff support children's understanding and use of mathematical language effectively. For instance, children use comparative language as they recall the story of 'The Three Bears'.

They recognise numbers as they play darts outside. Staff support their counting skills well. For example, they all count as children jump on the trampoline.

Children have an understanding of how to order numbers relating to their age. For instance, they talk about their age now and at their next birthday. Others can accurately order numbers to 10 and know what each number represents.

Staff check the premises on a daily basis to ensure children are safe and secure. Children are usually encouraged to recognise risk, such as sweeping up the sand to prevent slips. However, there are occasions when children are not given enough opportunities to practise these, and other everyday skills, such as independently finding their name to copy.

Staff have strong partnerships with parents. Parents help to establish their child's starting points at the outset. They are highly appreciative of the regular opportunities they have to discuss their child's learning and development.

Parents' say they are given ideas and suggestions to help their child at home. Parents are particularly pleased with the level of care their children receive. They are confident their children are safe and benefit from warm and trusting relationships with staff.

The manager is reflective about her practice and the training needs of both herself and her staff. She regularly meets with staff to discuss their knowledge and skills. This helps to strengthen their practice further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and her staff have a thorough understanding of the signs and symptoms that might suggest a child is at risk of harm. They know the procedures to follow and the people to inform, if they have concerns about a child's safety or welfare.

All staff have completed appropriate training, including understanding the wider issues of radicalisation. The manager has a good understanding of how to ensure that newly appointed staff are suitable to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: plan activities that take better consideration of the interests and abilities of the children, including using resources that help to meet their learning needs develop further the opportunities and resources for children to practise everyday skills to support their developing independence.

Also at this postcode
Christ’’s Hospital School Barracudas Horsham Christs Hospital

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