Bus Stop Pre-School

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About Bus Stop Pre-School

Name Bus Stop Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 2 The Bungalows, Polesdon Lacey Estate, Great Bookham, RH5 6BD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is outstanding • Children's outdoor learning opportunities are truly awe-inspiring. They flourish when exploring the vast outdoor areas and demonstrate a superb knowledge and understanding of the natural world.

For example, children confidently explain that owls are nocturnal and, when they blow dandelions it causes 'seed dispersal'. • Staff work exceptionally well with parents to help provide high levels of continuity of care. Parents are actively encouraged to share information about their children's learning and are regularly invited into the setting to discuss their children's progress.

Staff successfully promote further learning at home. For example, ...they have a 'learning library' where parents can borrow resources to explore with their children. • Children have an impressive understanding of how to keep themselves safe.

For example, older children remind younger children not to go inside the fire circle. They also talk confidently about stranger danger and understand that when staff call out, 'One, two, three, where are you?' that they need to leave their play space and walk to find the staff. • Managers and staff constantly strive for excellence in everything they do.

Their outstanding practice has been recognised by universities countrywide. For example, they support and assist in training teachers and early years professionals. In addition, they are about to embark on a European childcare study which will enable them to share their teaching methods with others and learn more about other approaches.

• Staff provide an excellent environment to help strengthen children's skills in preparation for moving on to school. For example, in the summer term, staff transform one of the smaller rooms into a 'school room'. This includes items such as uniform, registers and desks.

Staff take small groups of school leavers into the room and talk about routines, discuss any concerns, tell them about what they will be doing and further develop some of the skills needed to help prepare them for moving on. • Managers and staff have strong partnerships with other professionals who are involved in children's learning and the local school. They understand the importance of sharing information to help strengthen children's learning opportunities even further.

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Bus Stop Preschool

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