Byaan Daycare

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About Byaan Daycare

Name Byaan Daycare
Ofsted Inspections
Address 12 Brunswick Street, Leicester, LE1 2LP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children smile as they happily arrive at the nursery and are keen to get ready to go outside. They practice their physical skills as they confidently explore the outdoor area and the equipment set out by staff. Young children learn to climb the steps to the slide safely.

Staff encourage them to continue until they reach the top. Older children develop hand-eye coordination as they use bats and balls. This helps children develop large-muscle skills and coordination.

Children learn to behave well and follow staff's instructions. They tidy away resources and line up to go back inside. Staff promote children's independence... skills as they encourage them to take off their coats.

Children recall previous learning as they put their coats away. Staff support children's social skills as they sit together for a snack. They encourage children to take turns and remind them to say 'please' and 'thank you' as they pass plates and fruit to their friends.

Children learn to concentrate as they fill different-sized containers with water. Staff help them to understand the different properties of water. They promote children's language and introduce new vocabulary, such as 'full' and 'empty'.

When children spill water on the floor, staff encourage them to mop it up and talk about how this will keep them safe. Older children practise their mark-making skills. When they find it tricky, staff support them to keep on trying.

Children learn to persevere and celebrate when they are successful.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has attended training to help improve the provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and shared this learning with the staff team. Staff work with other professionals to plan for each child and ensure that learning is relevant.

This helps to ensure the curriculum is ambitious for all children.Staff have completed behaviour management training and are clear about sharing behaviour expectations. The manager monitors staff's practice to ensure boundaries and routines are consistent.

Staff teach children how to manage different emotions. They plan calming activities where children learn to relax and talk about their feelings. This supports their emotional development.

Staff model their expectations for children's behaviour well. This helps children see the behaviours staff expect of them, such as being courteous to one another. Staff and children discuss the nursery's rules before they start a new activity.

Children recall the need to walk carefully so they do not bump into each other or hurt themselves.Key persons know the children and their families well. They plan experiences to complement children's home life.

For example, children visit places in the community. Staff take children to the library, the farm, and local museums so that they can start to understand the world around them. Staff promote spending time outdoors and going on regular walks.

Children enjoy treasure hunts and looking for signs of the changing season. They pick up leaves and flowers and talk about what they need to grow. Children learn how letters are sent as they make cards for their families and post them in the post box.

Children who speak English as an additional language are supported in a range of ways. Staff use pictures and objects to reinforce children's understanding and vocabulary development. Some staff speak to children in their home language and emphasise keywords in English.

This helps to support children's communication and language development.During planned adult-led activities, staff support children to hear and say new words and sounds. This supports their communication and language development.

For example, staff encourage children to repeat the sounds they hear as they join in singing nursery rhymes. However, staff are not as skilled in supporting children to learn new skills as they lead their independent play.Staff have worked with a local schoolteacher to plan a curriculum for older children to help the transition to school.

For example, they organise activities that help children learn to concentrate and listen. Staff read books enthusiastically and asked children questions related to the story. For example, 'what makes a rainbow?' Older children say, 'It is cloudy and then sunny'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff interactions to help children learn new skills during their independent play.

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