Cuba Kids West Denton

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About Cuba Kids West Denton

Name Cuba Kids West Denton
Address West Denton Community Centre, Hillhead Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, NE5 1DN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NewcastleuponTyne
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and settled. On arrival, they put away their bags and coats, and wash their hands.

Children come into the club and sit together to enjoy a healthy snack. Staff support children's independence well. They encourage children to choose what they would like to eat from the options available to them.

Children eagerly make ham or cheese wraps. Children who need support ask the caring staff, who are on hand to help where needed. Children enjoy sharing their news with the staff and other children as they eat together.

Children choose what they want to do from the range of activities and resources availab...le to them. Staff interact well with children and encourage them to become engrossed in their play. Children spend a long time at the dough table.

They use a variety of tools and coloured dough to create a detailed ocean scene. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, staff identified that some children would tire easily after a full day at school. Staff provided areas for children to rest and have some quiet time after school.

Children behave very well. They have a good understanding of the staff's high expectations for their conduct and behaviour.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know children well, including those who need a little extra support with some aspects of their learning.

For example, staff support some children with their letter formation or spellings. In addition, staff help children to complete their homework and listen to children read stories.Children help themselves to resources and equipment.

They confidently go to find their favourite games or craft materials. Children often spend a long time at their chosen activity. For example, children concentrate and persevere as they connect small elastic bands together to make bracelets for their friends.

Staff teach children to be polite, well mannered, and kind to their friends. Children say 'excuse me' and 'thank you' without any prompting. Children are happy to involve others in their play and demonstrate the ability to take turns.

Staff attend regular staff meetings and individual supervision sessions to help them to reflect on their practice. They continue their professional development through a range of online training. This helps to keep their knowledge up to date.

Staff feel well supported by the leadership team.Parents explain that staff know their children well and spend quality time with their children. They feel well informed about what their children do each day.

Parents explain how supportive the setting was during the pandemic and comment that they 'could not be more grateful'.Children learn how to keep themselves healthy. Staff provide a nutritious snack after school, which children thoroughly enjoy.

Children suggest what meals to include in the menu plan. Children have daily opportunities to play outside. They enjoy running and chasing their friends in the large playground.

Staff explain to children about the benefits of fresh air and exercise.Staff are consistent in managing children's behaviour. They remind children of their expectations and offer praise when children behave well.

Staff engage with children, listening to their views and opinions. They consistently apply fair boundaries, so that children understand how to behave at the club. For example, children use a timer to ensure that they have an equal amount of time on the computer.

The leadership team and staff place high importance on keeping children safe. They assess risks thoroughly to ensure that the indoor and outdoor areas used by children are safe and suitable for their needs. Robust procedures are in place for dropping off and collecting children, to ensure their safety.

Staff find out from school teachers and children about what children have been learning, during their day at school. They use this information to complement children's experiences at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding issues, including the 'Prevent' duty and county lines. They know what to do in the event of an allegation being made against a colleague. Regular risk assessments ensure that the premises are secure at all times.

Any potential hazards to children's safety are identified and minimised. Staff have a good understanding of how to identify different possible signs and symptoms of abuse and how to report concerns. The leadership team ensures that safe recruitment procedures are in place, so that all staff are suitable to work with children.

Also at this postcode
West Denton Playgroup West Denton Primary School St John Vianney Catholic Primary School, West Denton

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