Dean Park Day Nursery

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About Dean Park Day Nursery

Name Dean Park Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Cooper Dean Pavilion, Dean Park, Cavendish Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1RB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bournemouth,ChristchurchandPoole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The consistent team of staff builds warm and trusting relationships with the children. Babies benefit from a nurturing environment, in which staff meet babies' care routines consistently and provide close comfort for them to feel secure. Older children approach staff confidently when they need support and reassurance.

Children benefit from lots of active play to support their health and physical development. Babies learn to balance and walk in safe spaces. Older children shriek in delight while playing running games with staff, and they use tools to develop their small hand muscles, such as snipping dough with scissors.
.../>Children of all ages explore confidently within the safe and secure playrooms, gardens and grounds. They make their own activity choices, and staff include the youngest children fully, such as supporting babies to stand up at activity tables to paint and explore textures. Staff respond quickly to children's spontaneous interests, such as organising painting and soup making.

This positive practice encourages children's interest in learning. Staff are good role models, who help children to develop positive behaviour and attitudes and good social skills. They use effective strategies to address any unwelcome behaviour to encourage harmonious play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The strong management team has a good oversight of the provision. It has implemented many improvements to raise the quality of children's care and learning throughout the nursery and has a clear vision for further developments. Staff contribute to making ongoing improvements, such as adapting the playroom environments to enhance children's behaviour and safety.

Staff plan and deliver a broad curriculum that is tailored to meet each child's personal interests and developmental needs. This includes special learning opportunities, such as topic weeks to learn more about road safety, looking after the world, and pets. Staff know the children well and make good use of their assessments to identify clear next steps for their learning.

Staff interact with enthusiasm in children's play. They help them to succeed with their learning goals in activities they are interested in, such as jewellery making with older children. However, on occasions, some staff do not challenge children further in activities.

For example, they do not provide greater mathematical challenges and opportunities to learn new colours to build further on their learning.Children develop the skills they need for their transition to school. They are eager and motivated to learn.

Children develop very good independence from a young age. Toddlers wash their hands and put on their coats for themselves. Older children take responsibility for clearing away their lunch plates and filling their water bottles.

Staff ask children questions to encourage them to think. They help them to learn and understand words to build their vocabulary, such as using picture prompts. However, on occasions, staff do not help younger children to learn the correct pronunciation of words to support their language skills further still.

The special educational needs coordinator has a good understanding of the children who require additional support. Staff work closely with parents and other professionals when they identify a child might be at risk of falling behind, and they ensure that plans are implemented to support the children's development and care.Partnerships with parents are excellent.

Staff keep parents closely informed and involved in their children's all-round development. For example, parents receive newsletters highlighting topical activities, attend stay-and-play sessions and consultation meetings. Parents can join the nursery partnership committee.

They speak highly of the provision.The management team provides highly successful coaching for staff. This includes training and support that is targeted to improve their skills and confidence and to have the most impact on children's care and development.

Staff feel valued by management, who nurture their health and well-being.The management team follows robust procedures to ensure that all staff are suitable and prepared to fulfil their roles. Staff have a good understanding of their safeguarding roles and responsibilities, the risks to children and procedures to follow to safeguard children's welfare.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nembed staff's practice even further to help each child reach their full learning potential help younger children to learn the correct pronunciation of words to support their language development even further.

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